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Guardsman Boards => Completed Guardsman Duties => Topic started by: Darek Milako on September 09, 2009, 08:19:09 am

Title: Watchman Duty ~ The Ugliest Lord to Live
Post by: Darek Milako on September 09, 2009, 08:19:09 am
Objective: Go into Despise and conquer Ogre Island.

What must be done:
Full Report with pictures of the island being conquered.
Bring a group of 2 or more men. Total of 3+ men.
Can be done once per Guardsman

Advice: Bring lots of bandages and strong arms.

Post in This Thread!

Title: Re: Watchman Duty ~ The Ugliest Lord to Live
Post by: Keane Wakefield on October 07, 2009, 04:47:18 am
The Ugliest Lord to Live

Leading ~ The Great Keane Wakefield


Kal Shadowhand
Khalil Targaryen

Money Raised ~ 9789

The report as follows.

      I called for a line at the barracks. I issued the objectives for the Task into Despise. Into Despise we went fighting our way deep into the dungeon, Killing ogres and trolls along the way. We finally reached the island in the middle of the dungen. I called for us to get into a formation. We hacked at the large beast until the fell into their own blood. We brought down about eight to nine lords. Until we were able to claim the island for Cove. The task went successful without any injuries.


         *Respectfully Submitted*
                          Keane Wakefield

Title: Re: Watchman Duty ~ The Ugliest Lord to Live
Post by: Graum Trolle on September 06, 2010, 11:16:37 am
Graum Trolle, Guardsman Recruit

Raven Cross, Watchman
Hoagie, Captain
Keitaro Kazami, Junior Grenadier

Money Raised:

   Captain Hoagie called for a more physical task after an evening of training, and so decided that we should go to Doom for a real challenge. We set out through the Moongate through to Britain, and north through Britain, through the graveyard and up into the mountains. Junior Grenadier Keitaro was most displeased and a fair few times commented about taking the wrong way. Once we stood before the cave entrance to Despise however we did remember a task set to conquer the Ogre Lord island in the bowels of the dungeon, and so command was given to myself and, with a free new shiny dagger in hand, I lead the brave group inside. After barely getting lost at all we found our way to the island in question, and began the Ogre Lord slaughter. Myself and Watchman Raven did take a few bad blows, but overall we held out fine and was never in any real danger. We held the island for approximately 30 minutes before calling the retreat advance backwards, and returned to Cove with our bags full of gold and our arms weary from swinging and stabbing.


Graum Trolle,
Guardsman Recruit