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Element boards => The Church => Topic started by: Roland Dagorian on October 04, 2009, 03:57:03 pm

Title: TASK - Jukan Crusade - Dungeon Wrong
Post by: Roland Dagorian on October 04, 2009, 03:57:03 pm
Servants of Avatar,

It hath been some years since Blackthorn led his foul Jukan allies against Britannia.  With Blackthorn slain and his foul ally Exodus gone, the Guardian may once more wieldeth these Jukan tools against Britannia.  The Jukan hordes did slay the outlaws once infesting the dungeon Wrong.  Leadest and expedition to this Dungeon and determine if the Jukans gather their forces there.  Slay all that thou dost find and report back to me.  No mercy!

Deus Vult,

Roland Dagorian

(OOC: Whoever takes the task should do the report and submit it in this thread.  Please post a copy of it on the general forum so Guardsmen can get credited where applicable.  Templi characters, wytch hunters and Church Guard characters are eligible to attend.  If a Templi character attends, Church Guardsmen can wear their surcoats)

Title: Re: TASK - Jukan Crusade - Dungeon Wrong
Post by: Garak Nightchill on November 02, 2009, 03:22:54 pm
*An old report falls out from behind two others where it was stuck between*

Father Roland,

I scouted out the dungeon Wrong to see the strength of the Jukan forces before a larger expedition attacked.  To my surprise, the dungeon was free from the Jukans and their allies.  Lizardmen, ogres and bandits - including wytches - appear to have regained control of the dungeon.  Either the Jukan forces are so weakened they can no longer keep possession of it or they are marshalling their forces elsewhere.

In Faith,

Guy de Villaret
Wytch Hunter


Title: Re: TASK - Jukan Crusade - Dungeon Wrong
Post by: Roland Dagorian on November 02, 2009, 03:50:58 pm
Wytch Hunter de Villaret,

Thy scouting hath saved the Crusade much time.  Thanks to thy report, the Crusade hath begun in Ilshenar itself. 

Dominus vobiscum,

Roland Dagorian

Guy de Villaret hath earned 20 Church Regard