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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Kelly Sanderson on June 10, 2018, 10:06:52 pm

Title: *A notice is pinned on the Barracks wall titled: "ATTENTION"*
Post by: Kelly Sanderson on June 10, 2018, 10:06:52 pm
*A notice in large handwriting can be seen on the second floor wall of the Barracks.*

I hereby notify you that you are not to enter Vesperian territory in uniform until further notice. Any activities out of uniform are to be peaceful. If you have any questions or further problems, do not hesitate to ask. If you have any information or concerns regarding the current situation, please approach an officer.

Any guardsmen found to be unruly in this regard will be disciplined accordingly.

Thank you for your due respect and co-operation.

Kelly Sanderson, Corporal

Title: Re: *A notice is pinned on the Barracks wall titled: "ATTENTION"*
Post by: Gary Gallo on July 18, 2018, 11:35:43 pm
written in crayon underneath on the bottom of the notice

Sorry, got a wee lost


Title: Re: *A notice is pinned on the Barracks wall titled: "ATTENTION"*
Post by: Raiden Morana on July 19, 2018, 07:11:47 am
*The Captain of the guard smirks to himself upon reading the notice and scrawled reply*

Heh... Happens ter the best o' us.

Title: Re: *A notice is pinned on the Barracks wall titled: "ATTENTION"*
Post by: Raven on August 08, 2018, 05:46:34 pm
*Note Addressed to Corporal Sanderson *

Evening Ma'am,

I don't know if this has been already reported, but I noticed a line o'  markers in the woods that seemed to mark out some sort o'boundary. i've taking a few sketch an' mapped it out over this map. I thought it might be related.



*Signed, Rook*