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Guardsman Boards => Light Company Board => Topic started by: Mela Arkay on July 08, 2007, 02:57:57 pm

Title: Scout Trials: David Sacrow
Post by: Mela Arkay on July 08, 2007, 02:57:57 pm
"Ah, David Sacrow the old owner of my beloved Cap! Hes a Scout recruit? Hmm well best set him a bunch of hard trials and none of this ninnying about!"

Scout Trials: David Sacrow

The Flute:
A task every Scout has gone through so far, and I'm not the one to break tradition. The flute is something the Scouts use to find one another when lost or pre battle.

Retrieve the magical flute. The witch that lives in the Southern woods of Yew passed the crossroads will be able to point you in the direction of where to get it.

  • This task can be done alone or with help.
  • At the end you must have the flute
  • Write a detailed report including paintings as proof.


Planning ahead:
Intel gathering is an important part of being a Scout and you've got to be able to do it well. Vesper and Kaldor are our newest enemies its time we gathered some information on their future plans and their battle tactics:

Attend a Kaldor and Vesper training to gather their tactics and useful intelligence which may help us later on.

  • This task must be done alone
  • A Kaldorian and Vesperian uniform must be retrieved during this task
  • Contact Hanse Davion and Cal Shadowhand regarding the task. If theres any problems, contact me.
  • Write a detailed report including sketches.


A small introduction:
Every Scout has done this and as I already said, I'm not one to break tradition.

Report to Mela Arkay or Kelly Valentine for an introduction to the light company.

  • Come with a disguise as if you pass we'll celebrate with a spying trip


Good luck Mr.Sacrow! Do us proud!

Scout Sergeant,

Title: Re: Scout Trials: David Sacrow
Post by: userjosh5368 on July 17, 2007, 03:00:54 pm
Well Mela i finally managed to post it, so well as you can see went off to few saw this old hag, probally a wycth of some sort so used my ninja training to disguise my being as a squirrel, i hopped past and listened to her mumble about her apprentice wycth . "who'd want to be a Hag's apprentice?" i asked myself .

Right so i searched the road and found some imp killing the wycth ah well, wafted the smoke away before inspecting the body and finding it was this hag's wycthling, ripping off his burn ear, i made my way back to the strange hag .
So heading back to the old wycth i presented her with news of her apprentice by, giving her his ear.
The hag well she mumbled at me when i told her and imp was behind it .
She started ranting on about me having to kill imps or turn me into a toad, laughing at her i just said leave me to it . Wasn't long before she begged me to get this scroll back . So you want me to do what? Kill imps?

Right then i said to myself i've got to kill imps to get a what? "Oh a flute you say? All i got to do is kill the little green demon with wings? "
Slowly i departed to Justice there i dealt my justice from the shadow to the foul imps they soon handed me the flute from there lifeless bodies .
I made my way to compassion and played myself an old tune .


David Sacrow
Junior Guardsmen

Title: Re: Scout Trials: David Sacrow
Post by: Mela Arkay on July 18, 2007, 04:06:24 pm
Very good David.

Scout Sergeant,