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In Character Boards => Old Announcements => Topic started by: Jack Sinist (•̪●) on March 30, 2007, 04:51:15 pm

Title: Creating An Event Using The Calendar
Post by: Jack Sinist (•̪●) on March 30, 2007, 04:51:15 pm
I believe we should start using the Calendar that we have. The Calendar will notify you if there are any events planned for today and at what time, also the ability to click and be linked to a thread for further information.

This is how you create an Event using the Calendar:

Start by clicking the Calendar button which is located at the top bar of the forum. Next to the log out and profile.


Next continue with chosing a date for your event.


Fill the title of the event (This is the part that will be visible for everyone looking at the event list at the bottom of the default forum page.)


Next you need to chose where your event will be directed from the Calendar, the default choice is set for the Events Board so all you need to do is continue with clicking on post and it will be created there. Or simply chose it on the list and it will automatically summon the rest of the thread.


Simply enough the next step in the process is just like posting an event in a new thread. Simply fill the subject and the event formation out and click post.


People will be able to see your planned event at the bottom of the forum, under the Covian Information Center, just above the members list. To edit your calendar post, click the little red star next to the event name.


And your event will have a normal thread on the Event Board. Just as if you had made it there! Only now, people will be able to see what time of the day there is an event.


Good luck!