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Guardsman Boards => Completed Guardsman Duties => Topic started by: Marcus Kobra on August 08, 2009, 06:33:54 am

Title: Senior Duty ~ Uncover the Past
Post by: Marcus Kobra on August 08, 2009, 06:33:54 am
Senior! Good, sit. . . Please sit "Sir"? Ah good, anyway Sir. On account yer old experienced I'd like ye to uncover some history. No I can't just read it in the library! Its simply poorly recorded. But as to what I want more knowledge on: "Lord Hendrake's Irregulars and any notable figures whom served within." The lack of written history tells me I'll need your personal first hand knowledge! Now Get cracking! I mean Get Cracking' Sir?

From personal knowledge, or by interview, write up a detailed account of Lord Hendrake's Irregulars, their duties and deeds, and any notable persons serving within the unit.
Report must contain no less than 1,000 words.
This report may be completed by Senior Guardsmen and above only

Notes: Hopefully there be a Covian long lived enough to uncover this story.

***The best account of them may be published and put into print (moongates.wiki) So make certain to have yer facts straight!***