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Guardsman Boards => Recruit Duties => Topic started by: Raiden Morana on June 08, 2009, 02:38:34 pm

Title: Recruit Duty ~ Escort Duty
Post by: Raiden Morana on June 08, 2009, 02:38:34 pm
The North is on the brink of war. If it isn't started by the elf king pouring his troops into the region nay doubt the Vesperians will start something. These are dangerous times and Recruits and Watchmen are needed to ensure the safety of Cove's townfolk as they go about their business.

~ Escort 3 NPC's from Cove to their required destinations.
~ Mages may not create portals. Many Covian tonwfolk are untrusting of magery.
~ Post a full report of these escort duties below detailing your starting point and arrival at the desired destination.

This task may be completed by Guardsman Recruits.
This task may only be completed once per character.

Commander's comments: Make sure Covian citizens arrive safely.


Raiden, Commander.

Title: Re: Recruit Duty ~ Escort Duty
Post by: Vaughn Goodwill on August 23, 2009, 07:23:54 am

Title: Re: Recruit Duty ~ Escort Duty
Post by: Hoagie on August 30, 2009, 05:25:29 pm
Vaughn Goodwill has been rewarded for his duty.

Title: Re: Recruit Duty ~ Escort Duty
Post by: Star Summers on October 02, 2009, 01:09:30 am
Today I do Escort task.  I find people going to wedding in Jhelom.  The bride, her brother and a priest.

First I find man want to go Jhelom.  I fight monster on way, is many monster
in Cove wood.  We get to Jhelom he is much happy and pay gold.


Second I find woman hiding.  The bride she tell me man was brother and she scared to go.  I protect from many monster.  At Jhelom she tell me to get priest at Cove.


I find priest to bring Jhelom.  I fight Ogre and Spider.  We get arrive and he go to marry bride with man in Jhelom. 


Is all good and they much happy I help.  I lost colour crayons so only sketch.

Title: Re: Recruit Duty ~ Escort Duty
Post by: Darek Milako on October 02, 2009, 02:35:27 am
Duty awarded to Star Summers.

Title: Re: Recruit Duty ~ Escort Duty
Post by: Anarion on November 23, 2009, 02:46:52 pm
I saw this as a great opportunity to interact with some of Coves' citizenry and visitors. I headed to the most likely place to find people who are looking for an escort - Cove Docks.

With the Moongate close by it made the task of escorting fairly simple to complete.

Escort 1:

'Luther the wandering healer' required an escort to Jhelom, most likely to care for all of the fighters that train in the pit there.


Escort 2:
'Belinda the noble' required my services next, and it seems that Jhelom is a popular destination. Perhaps she is wishing to watch a Gladiator match? I didnt ask.


Escort 3:

'Ardath the adventure seeker' was my final escort, and again it was for Jhelom. She wore a dress and carried a sword, most unusual to see those two accompany each other.


* Signed Neatly*
Anarion, son of Belegorn

Title: Re: Recruit Duty ~ Escort Duty
Post by: Nethaellas on July 12, 2011, 03:11:09 pm
After looking at the duties board I noticed this one had not been completed for some time.  I wondered has the roads become safer now that our citizens no longer need escorts?  After speaking to some of the people in Cove I found this was not so and they still feared to walk further than the town gates.

So I set about finding my first escort and came across a young noble man wishing to travel to Moonglow.  Simple enough it may be thought to step through the moongate and just walk the short distance but no sooner were we through than a swarm of Mongbats decended on us.  With several well placed arrows I soon brought them down but still more attacked as we made our way towards the town.   The man thanked me on our arrival and paid me some coins saying he would never of made it through those mongbats.


My next escort was a healer wishing to travel to Minoc but the forest is plagued by all manner of beasts and with no knowledge in handling weapons the man feared to make any attempts to walk there.  I calmed his fears and said I would be happy to escort him, which he agreed to so long as we stuck mainly to the road.  Even so our journey brought us past a gruesome sight of an abandoned campsite with dead animal carcases left out for the flies.  We hurried along the road to Minoc and our journey was otherwise uneventful.  The healer thanked me for he escort and gave me some bandages for my trouble.


My next escort was a young girl wishing to visit her auntie in New Magencia, I have never been to this place nor heard about it since its horrible downfall.  The journey was simple enough but the terrain was trecherous with little hillocks and uneven ground that threatened to trip the girl up with every step she took.  For much of the journey I had to hold her hand to stop her falling over.   We arrived safetly and she thanked me for the escort but had no coinage to pay me with so I told her not to worry as I was only doing my duty.



Nethaellas Idhrenniel

Title: Re: Recruit Duty ~ Escort Duty
Post by: Alex_Hawke on October 26, 2018, 01:59:34 am

 I was walking through Cove when a man asked me if I wanted to make some money. I do want to make some money, so I walked over and asked what he wanted me to do."I seek a worthy esscort. I can offer some small pay to any able bodied adveturer who can assit me. It is imperitive that I reach my destination." he told me. This seemed like an easy enough task so I excepted. I didn't run into any trouble except for an ogre, but that wasn't to hard to handle. When we got to his destination he thanked me, gave me my pay, and I left to return to Cove. With how easy this was to complete, I wondered if there where any other Covians in need of an escort. I found two others who where in need of an escort, both willing to pay a fair bit of money. One of them wanted to go to Britain, on which I experienced no interuptions, and another to Moonglow where the only trouble I got was from some pesky mongbats.  

      Alexander Hawke