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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Nicholi Ravnthorn on February 25, 2012, 07:14:13 pm

Title: Ravnthorn's Horse Training and Stables
Post by: Nicholi Ravnthorn on February 25, 2012, 07:14:13 pm
Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

Are you a wealthy nobleman or woman with a disposable income, or a well established Covian citizen with a riding permit, or even an over-paid Commissioned Officer with no riding experience? Maybe you already own a horse or pony - but find him to scary to ride? Then look no further!

(http://img838.imageshack.us/img838/2198/stables.png) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/838/stables.png/)

Here at Ravnthorn's Horse Training and Stables, we do it all! For a small fee of fifeteen silver a month, your horse will be fed, brushed, and lodged in only the finest of ways! Some say we mirror the treatment that would expect from the most expensive of inns - Even the Swaggers!

"But, hrmm, I want to learn more then just the basics!" I hear you say! Don't worry, we do that too! Trick Riding, Speed Riding, Combat Riding, even Jousting! As a former Dragoon Corporal, I know all the ins and outs of every type of horseriding!

(http://img141.imageshack.us/img141/7380/prepare2arrow.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/141/prepare2arrow.jpg/)
This is me, mounted and ready for Battle! Huzzah!

Oh golly gosh! Combat Riding?! That sounds so scary - what about my horse's saftey, I don't want to hurt him! Tsk Tsk, we would never let you most precious horse ride out in battle without being prepared! We can supply your horse with the best horse barding and armour imagined! What's a few silver coins for such a loved animal's safety anyway! Little Skippy is apart of the family, you can't spare expense for his protection!

(http://img43.imageshack.us/img43/8194/bestjm.png) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/43/bestjm.png/)

Come on down and visit Ravnthorn's Horse Training and Stables today! If you need a place to house your horse, riding lessons or just gearing up for the next joust! We will welcome you, and of course your horse with open arms!

Nicholi Ravnthorn
Owner and Operator
Ravnthorn's Horse Training and Stables.