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In Character Boards => Old Events => Topic started by: Aleri Briggs on August 09, 2011, 06:32:24 am

Title: Warm Weather Training - TONIGHT! 8pm GMT - 09/08/2011
Post by: Aleri Briggs on August 09, 2011, 06:32:24 am
Warm is an understatement! MWHAHAAHAAHHAAHA-

When: TONIGHT! Tuesday 8pm GMT!
Where: Rally at the Barracks!
Bring: Not a lot of clothing! It's going to be hot!

Aleri Briggs,
Junior Guardsman

Title: Re: Warm Weather Training - TONIGHT! 8pm GMT - 09/08/2011
Post by: Linaeus on August 09, 2011, 07:34:55 am
*Scrawled beneath the notice are a series of excuses notes.*

I've developed a sudden case of thinking I'm a tree, and will be unable to attend until freed from life-stustaining duties in Fall.  - Leith Keres

I'm needed by the Arcanists for research into the causes of our Corporal's sudden loss of her mind, and wont be available until we find a cure for crazy.   - Abigail Keres

Will likely have left the stew on the fire. - Cailin Keres

Title: Re: Warm Weather Training - TONIGHT! 8pm GMT - 09/08/2011
Post by: Aleri Briggs on August 09, 2011, 08:25:57 am
No excuses! If you are going to excuse at least make them better!