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Guardsman Boards => Completed Guardsman Duties => Topic started by: Raven on December 03, 2009, 04:35:21 pm

Title: Watchman Task ~ Learn something new.
Post by: Raven on December 03, 2009, 04:35:21 pm
You've been with us for long enough to know the basics, but if you want to know what helps make you a great covian guard? Discipline, and fighting prowess are two factors but another is knowledge. Learn something new by seeking a high ranked guard and asking for the lesson. 

~ If you're looking to join a company, perhaps ask for tutilage in a subject relevant to the company. E.g. Wilderness training for Scout, Reagent tips for Arcanists and Working as a team with Grenadiers.
~ This can be anything that you can think of that's relevant to being a good guard.
~ Post a full report on the IC Board.

This may be completed by Guardsman Watchmen and above only.
This may be completed once per month per character.

Raven's Comments:
Ensure you can't get caught out if you're asked to do anything,  preparation is key! Maybe touch up on your Parade commands?

Regular Grenadier