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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Tweeso Pebble on June 05, 2005, 01:08:30 am

Title: Fencing contest Results.
Post by: Tweeso Pebble on June 05, 2005, 01:08:30 am
Evenin' this time the fencer contest was won of Recruit Indrid Cold.Many noble folk did join and the baron himself to take part of the Noble art of Fencing. As in traditions I did fought him myself when everything was finished as I won. It was a fast but close  match and it did count on one hit that he knocked.Next time he will meet he winner of the next contest.. He was a worhty winner and here are the contests results.

Those who joined the Contest and bravely fought
* The Baron Octiovus
* Recruit Nemo
* Knight of Altmere , Antonoius Proximus
* Recruit Indrid Cold
* Regular Grenadier Ryan Greystone
* Junior Guardsman Cassius Livius
* Regular Guardsman Hrothgar


Indrid Cold Vs Octiovus
Winner:Indrid Cold

Indrid Cold Vs Cassius Livius
Winner:Indrid Cold

Indrid Cold Vs Antonius
Winner:Indrid Cold

Indrid Cold Vs Ryan
Winner:Indrid Cold

Indrid Cold Vs Nemo
Winner:Indrid Cold

Indrid Cold Vs Hrothgar
Winner:Indrid Cold

Junior Guardsman Valiro Gryphonclaw

Title: Re: Fencing contest Results.
Post by: Gregor Eason on June 06, 2005, 01:02:11 am
Curious results. Well done, Recruit Cold.
And good show for organising, Griffin!

Commander Eason,
Covian Guards & Baronship Council