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Element boards => The Church => Topic started by: Siegfried on November 06, 2008, 07:57:40 pm

Title: [Task] Spread The Word
Post by: Siegfried on November 06, 2008, 07:57:40 pm

The recent undead scourage hath claimed the lives of some of thy fellow Squires, we art in need of more Squires if we art to stand a chance at combating this foe.

Thou art to travel to towns not affected by the invasion and speak one to one with people, spreading the word that the Northern Chapter is looking for Squires. Thou may use the leaflets to assist thee, as well as banners. Thy results shouldst be reported hither with sketches included. Notices on boards throughout Britannia art permitted (provided they allow recruitment).

Spread the word, Friars!

* Completing this task will result in 5,000 tithe being added to your administration profile.
* Completion of this task requires at least 5 people have been spoken with successfully.
* This task is repeatable; an additional 1,000 tithe will be added to your administration profile for every person spoken to successfully over the basic requirement of 5.

Title: Re: [Task] Spread The Word
Post by: Warren Marshall on November 06, 2008, 09:07:57 pm

I didst successfully speak with the following individuals:

  • "Holterdipolter"
  • "Sparhawk"
  • "FG Worker"
  • "Rekin Simien"
  • "Arbosh Torson"

The following individual was busy, but didst accept a note with our tome's location scrawled 'pon it:

  • "Bob"


Deus Vult!

Title: Re: [Task] Spread The Word
Post by: Siegfried on November 06, 2008, 09:23:24 pm
* 6,000 tithe added to Friar Marshall's administration profile.