Title: event hosted by kelly sanderson Post by: Justice Forum on January 14, 2008, 08:31:44 pm our brave expeditioners for this event were graem carcer, Hoagie, marcus, alfred and Kelly herself and raiden(http://xs123.xs.to/xs123/08031/uo2753442.jpg.)
the fine band looked nervous as they stood awaiting orders.what evil would they be walking into? the quest was a fiendish one for sure. the church had tasked our heroes with finding a black cat called bathomet (yes you did read right) so off our band went into the wilds of the woods. no moggy (http://xs123.xs.to/xs123/08031/uo2773836.jpg)was found however this could be as hoagie frankly looked scary enough to frighten a balron! our leader then decided that enough was enough and ensured she had the witnesses to prove we had scoured everywhere.however rather disturbing was this incident (http://xs123.xs.to/xs123/08031/uo2776217.jpg) back to hq (i got lost as usual) and we mustered on the roof and were tasked with a 'last person standing fight' i delievered the coup des grace on an officer type but i wont say who as i dont want graem to pick on me! the last person standing was raiden who again proved what a fine warrior he was. by this time our crew appeared a little grubby so it was off to cove for an open air bath. graem was playing with his duck (or so he said) Justice did receive a truly wonderful gesture as Kelly gave her a beautiful necklace. Thanks to kelly for her efforts and as usual a good event. she must surely receive a commission soon ;D Title: Re: event hosted by kelly sanderson Post by: Raiden Morana on January 14, 2008, 09:56:57 pm Aye unfortunately Baphomet and the Guardians servants could nay be found in the Shire... Which of course is a good thing.
The Nay a bad first attempt recruit, practice makes perfect eh? So ye'll be getting some more to do. *grins* *signed* Raiden, Grenadier Captain. Title: Re: event hosted by kelly sanderson Post by: Justice Forum on January 14, 2008, 10:30:31 pm If you wish to take that risk?
Title: Re: event hosted by kelly sanderson Post by: Siegfried on January 14, 2008, 11:38:02 pm Captain,
I trust thou searched every inch of ground surrounding Cove? Thou wouldst surely not wish to be responsible for the death of thy citizens. When a task is issued to thee by the Church, see that it is done to the best of thy abilities. Having searched the area myself recently, I shalt deem thy efforts satisfactory, and the task no longer withstanding. † Signed † Father Siegfried, Templar Seneschal Title: Re: event hosted by kelly sanderson Post by: Raiden Morana on January 15, 2008, 06:56:57 am *Raiden reads the Templar's note and nods sagely*
O'course Father... *shifty eyes* *signed* Raiden, Grenadier Captain. |