Title: [Report] Drill Instruction & Inspection [Week 1] Post by: Graem Carcer on January 20, 2008, 10:08:42 pm LEAD
Drill Instructor Carcer ATTENDING Sergeant Grayner, Hoagie. Corporal Sanderson, Kelly. Scout ShadowHand, Kal. Watchman Scarr, Thomas. Recruit Forum, Justice. -=-=- First week of the Instruction & Inspection events, the turn-up was as I'd expect so I started the men off with something basic, a lecture on armour - This week's foe: The Besieger, The Guardsmen Militia of Yew (http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/2694/trippsxs0.jpg) Like most Covian armour, the majority of the Besieger's armour is made of Shadow Iron metal. This metal is very resistant against both physical and magical attacks, however it is not strong against poisoned weapons, and all Scouts should take full advantage of this in future. To counter-act this, many Besiegers may wear armour crafted from different material, and merely dye it a shadow hue. This hue is darker than that of a Shadow Iron ingot, and thus easily identifiable. The Besiegers that have taken these measures are still as deadly as ever. The main weapon of the Besieger is his shield, and being experts of this skill, they are NOT to be engaged by Archers, as shooting Besiegers is a-kin to attempting to topple the Barracks by hurling pebbles at them. We soon moved on to a quick battle training; Officers vs. Juniors, and the Juniors won - Not much more to say, for the sake of the Officers. A full kit inspection was then carried out before the Parade, each man had adequate supplies, tools and their uniforms were in good condition. Turning over the men to the Captain, I promptly took my leave. *Signed* - Drill Instructor Carcer -=-=- (http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/8430/inspection1xu6.png) Title: Re: [Report] Drill Instruction & Inspection [Week 1] Post by: Raiden Morana on January 20, 2008, 10:32:17 pm *Raiden reads the report with interest*
Looked like a damn fine session Carcer. *Mutters about paperwork* *signed* Raiden, Grenadier Captain. |