Title: [COMPLETE] Hunting expedition to Trinsic 09-02-08 at 2000 GMT Post by: Delcarakdur on February 02, 2008, 06:12:20 pm Scouting Mission to Trinsic - Saturday the 9th of February at 2000 GMT
Where: Barracks rooftop Bring: Combat kit, bandages and provisions Allright chaps...The old rug in the barracks has been worn out by your constant shuffling walking. Thus it is our job to get a new one. Meet at the barracks for a intense experience...because covians aren't satisfied with the average rug! *Signed* Delcarakdur, Junior Guardsman Title: Re: [TODAY] Hunting expedition to trinsic 07-02-08 at 2100 GMT Post by: Delcarakdur on February 07, 2008, 09:05:40 pm [OOC: Due to problems with my account, I am unable to host this event. Thus I have postponed it for saturday at 2000 GMT.]