Title: Sentry Under Siege Post by: Hoagie on February 13, 2008, 05:04:49 pm Lead by:
Raiden Morana, Grenadier Captain Attending: Hoagie, Sergeant Drachir, Regular Scout Justice Forum, Watchman Gerald, Guardsman Recruit In defence of Cove town against the recent rising of orcs and undead, Captain Morana organised a sentry outside of the town gates. Upon arrival, I volunteered to stay and make crates while the others gathered resources to make them with. The logs and hides were piling in, and I set about making the crates. There was a heavy thud from behind as The sentry was passing uneventfully until a single undead appeared before us. It demanded my soul in exchange for the safety of the rest of the guardsmen. (http://xs224.xs.to/xs224/08073/sentryreport945.png) *Signed* Hoagie Grayner, Sergeant. Title: Re: Sentry Under Siege Post by: Raiden Morana on February 13, 2008, 06:53:43 pm Aye we held firm for as long as we could before the hail of bolts from orcish crossbowmen won the day.
We gave as good as we got though. Well done to the brave guardsmen who defended the post. *signed* Raiden, Grenadier Captain. |