Title: The Dismissive Dragoon. Post by: Farfar on February 19, 2008, 10:27:42 pm And so it was one of those lousy days again. The sun was shining, the rats were playing in the attic, and a flock of crows had assembled near the barracks, apparently busy eating on a dead rabbit. These were nay good signs at all. A beautiful day, a perfect day to work on, and I was out of money.
"Great, I might not need to bust me back after all! Hoagie has always some coins in his pockets!" I thought, apparently out loud, since Hoagie coughed out 'What'd ye say?', "Erm... Is it possible to store honey in lockets?" I hastily replied, and Hoagie answered with a 'No!' and a slight murmur hieroglyphs. I let out a sigh of relief and contineud working on my plan, this time without any vocals. "Hrm... he has been at me back for quite some time lately, because of I came to think of his horse, Jasper which I After asking Hoagie a few questions about Jaspers whereabouts, which he answered with a half-murmur of words, he finally said that he had let Jasper sign into a retirement home, for horses. I had never heard of such a place. Of course I went on with my questions, wondering why he hadn't let the local citizenry treat his horse? (http://img172.imageshack.us/img172/4789/ahoagietp9.png) After a few more of those questions of mine, he cracked and gave in. But alas, the mission was only half a success. I still needed to work for my beer, although with better conditions, and I didn't really find out what's become of old Jasper. Hoagie has tighter lips than a clam! he avoided all the questions. Should have some shillings though, for repairing the suit of armor, of this dismissive dragoon... *Signed in thick handwriting* / Farfar. Title: Re: The Dismissive Dragoon. Post by: Axiana on February 19, 2008, 10:52:56 pm Farfar awarded - 60 Shillings