Title: Report: Snor.. i mean Sentery Duity! Post by: The Bad Guard on March 05, 2008, 01:16:56 am Lead by: Jenny D'griff
Perticapents: Hoagie Sargent, Perrin Jr. Guardsmen, Marcus Tel'var We met infront of the Barraks and headed to the front line i assigned everyone a post Hoagie on a tower Marcus a tower and Perrin the enterence wach. All was good tll some robed fool showed up with an orcish brute we swiftly surrounded it. I was quick to inform the person that... well here are my words: "REMOVE THAT MONSTROSITY BEFOR WE KILL IT AND ARREST YOU FOR AIDING THE ENEMY. AND THEN I WILL REMOVE THE ORCS HEAD AND USE IT AS A NEW WALL DECORATION!" I thought i was verry kind.we went back to post perrin was exscused to go releave himself befor he peed himself... Apparently his pee atracts Orcs... Big Orcs.... We put an end to them as soon as we could. All in all Nothing we couldent handle durring this duity But we lead out to the orcs front... But that my freinds is a sepret report. (http://img266.imageshack.us/img266/8595/senterycq1.png) (http://imageshack.us) Title: Re: Report: Snor.. i mean Sentery Duity! Post by: Raiden Morana on March 05, 2008, 07:50:03 am Well done chaps!
*signed* Raiden, Grenadier Captain. |