Title: Xue's Secret Diary Post by: Xue Xiao Rong on March 12, 2008, 02:04:58 pm Sighing Xue took up her Crane feather quill and pulled forward a small piece of parchment, although she could speak Britianian for the most part she had never written in it and wasn't planning on starting. Ashita watashi itoma sono Tokunese shokuminchi tameni Cove tsurete watashi haken bai danshaku Octiovus. Ikkaku soudatsu hatamata sono shutaru shigai o-ba-ran motte orcs hatamata undead. Watashi konrinzai ikanimo mi-to onoono, sono ikimono uchini Tokuno shikaruni nao kyougaku. Hireki watashi konnichi naraba watashi gozen kiokure hatamata heikatsu nagara watashi gozen tenkyo dzuki ato arata ichi motte iie sonkei matawa nimo chishiki Tokunese yuraisho sono hatamata Geisha, watashi gozen iie kiokure. Moshikasuruto watashi gozen nimo hokorashii, naishi bakabakashii bai onoono fuu watashi imei goran watashi kan. Asoko iie yutori tameni fuseiseki. (OOC:) Tomorrow I leave the Tokunese Colonies for Cove as I have been sent by their Baron Octiovus. Apparently their struggling and the main town has been overrun with Orcs and Undead. I've never really encountered either of those, the beasts in Tokuno however are still fearsome. Hireki asked me today when i received my uniform if I'm nervous and even though I'm moving to a new place with people who will have no respect or even knowledge of Tokunese history and the Geisha, I'm not nervous. Perhaps i'm too arrogant, or stupid to be either way I will try my best. There is no room for failure. |