Title: The hunt Continues! 19:00 GMT 28/4 2005 Post by: Tweeso Pebble on April 26, 2005, 08:54:19 pm We'll move forward to cleanse the evil from the castle and seek a fortune. This time we'll strike with a bigger force to be sure to discover the whole castle. All militia , church people and those who are able to fight can come.
Gather outside...... Where: Gather outside the Barracks When: On Thursday 28/4 at 19:00 GMT Bring: Bandages , Armor , Arms and what ye think ye need for a hunt. (OOC: This hunt continues from another hunt , Yer can read more about it on the "In character board". It'll be a post named "Dangerous Hunt") *Signed* Watchman Valiro Gryphonclaw |