Title: Hunt to Ilshenar - 3pm GMT, Sunday 01/05/05 *REVISED TIME/DATE* Post by: Delcarakdur on April 27, 2005, 03:34:22 pm Hunt to Ilshenar
Hunt - 19:00 GMT, Saturday the 30th of april When: Saturday at 19:00 GMT Where: Outside the barracks Bring: Heavy armour, Bandages, and any weapons you think you'll need. Another hunt is to be lead to Ilshenar. Mission: To slay evil creatures, recover any loot for the militia and train you in combat. Ilshenar location will be chosen by number of guardsmen present. Be there or be a weakling! *signed* Watchman Delcarakdur Title: HUNT TO ILSHENAR - TIME CHANGE. ALL READ! Post by: Delcarakdur on April 29, 2005, 07:03:27 pm The hunt will be on sunday the 1st of may at 15:00 GMT instead!
[OOC: Going to a party same eve, can't miss it! So I'll take the hunt earlier!] |