Title: Chilly Sentry Post by: go-hei on March 25, 2008, 10:50:40 pm Led by:
Raiden Morana, Grenadier Captain Attended by: Eve, Grenadier Corporal Falconheart, Junior Grenadier Hoagie, Sergeant Marcus Tel’Var, Watchman Marvin Grimplad, Guardsman Recruit Go-Hei, Guardsman Recruit. (http://pici.se/pictures/NNiPLikIC.png) Raiden Morana lead us up in the mountain that's are called Ice. It was a big fellowship of brave men's, who hungered for battle, Hoagie hungred for food. Freeze cold place, understand why it have it's name. Captain said – need to make a camp or we will freeze to death. Chop, chop, chop. Axe's swinging in the air and tree's falling like matches. The place was full of monsters, Ice trolls and other cruel creatures with icy hearts. A small step for Cove but a big step for the Covians. (http://pici.se/pictures/pRJGabEIs.png) (http://pici.se/pictures/dXQNkytNB.png) (http://pici.se/pictures/SfajGpPly.png) Monsters was a big challenge. Many soldiers got wounded. (http://pici.se/pictures/SKtvyZrGF.png) After cleared the area we went back to Cove, too a much warmer place. *Signed* Go-Hei Guardsman Recruit of Cove Title: Re: Chilly Sentry Post by: Justice Forum on March 25, 2008, 11:14:46 pm bear in mind that cove also has an outpost just south of there, feel free to use it
Title: Re: Chilly Sentry Post by: Raiden Morana on March 26, 2008, 07:53:33 am Good report Go-Hei and well done everyone.
Although Grenadier Corporal Eve tried to burn our camp down twice we still prevailed. *signed* Raiden, Grenadier Captain. |