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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Jon Trent on March 26, 2008, 04:48:38 pm

Title: "Escape!" (IC Story/IG Plotline)
Post by: Jon Trent on March 26, 2008, 04:48:38 pm
JT sat in the shadow of the old oak tree, listening to the sounds of the forest. He brooded. Brooding was something he did often.

Only his visits to Trinsic during the recent orcish occupation of Cove had lightened his mood. Something or someone in the Duchy made him happy, even if nothing much else in his life did.

He stood and took a long swig from his waterskin, the cold water bringing him back to his senses, then gathering up his kit he made his way stealthily through the woods of the northern shire towards the barracks.

Not many guardsmen were on duty but poking his head around the tavern door he saw Sergeant Hoagie and Recruit Marvin.


Hoagie greeted him. The sergeant had tried to take the young guardsman under his wing and JT had found himself liking the officer and the beginnings of a friendship they shared.


JT saluted.

"I'm off to keep a watch on the orcs. Make sure they're keeping there heads low. I wont be long."

Hoagie nodded and he and the recruit turned to their drinks as JT, pulling on his mempo and cap, left the tavern and made his way through the shire towards the orc fort.

What was that? A flash of movement to his left. Was it the orcs again? He crouched low and slipped the axe from his belt. He circled around his prey quietly and then stepped from the undergrowth.

It was no orc it was...

An elf girl...

Title: Re: "Escape!" (IC Story/IG Plotline)
Post by: Estel on March 26, 2008, 05:05:21 pm

A pile of meat and vegetable leftovers lay on a dirt bottom drenched with fluids you don’t really want to think about. The air around it foul, flies buzzing. A mere but good example of how much the orcs cared for their surroundings. They had been moody for weeks. Losing the battles against the Covian army and their Trinsic friends did not please the lot. They were drinking a lot. Fighting a lot amongst each other. Even the usually somewhat calmer Orc Mage had never been so cruel to his slave. A smart one that one… quite a story how this Orc managed to capture and keep his slave. But not the story I’m telling now.

A trail of footsteps in the dirt, carefully placed to avoid making any noise. It was however hard to imagine the frail starved body that came with the footsteps could actually make any sound with moving around. A pair of green eyes looking around nervously and afraid, but also determined to continue the path she had chosen to take. A path that would lead her away from the orcs, as long as they didn’t wake up now, or turn their heads to see her walking towards the mountains.

Exhausted, weary and suddenly feeling terribly alone she entered the forest behind the mountains. As long as she could remember she had never been alone, the Orc mage always kept her close to him. As long as she could remember she had belonged to him. Tonight had been the first time ever that he had forgotten to put the chain around her ankle, but still it had taken her hours to decide whether to stay or to go. A part of her actually wanted to hurry back and lay down on the ground besides the Orc to sleep because that’s what she was used to. The throbbing of a nasty cut on her head reminded her however why she was here now. Decades of abuse and the recent aggressive treatment had given her the spark she needed to dare to escape, to dare look for freedom.

But where would she go? At the edge of a small pond she crouched down trying to reach the water to quench her thirst.  It had started to rain hours ago, but the drops of rain were not enough. Then she noticed the water barrels besides the pond and climbed on them to drink the water from the top one. A sound behind her made her let go of the barrel so suddenly that they almost tipped over. A strange voice spoke and she backed away from where it came from, hiding behind a tree. “Pleez du nub ‘urt meeb!”

She could hear movement and expected to be jumped on any moment by orcs that had been send out to retrieve her, but instead the voice spoke again, friendly. Absolutely terrified of what would happen to her if she were to be taken back to the orcs, she panicked and ran into the other direction, stumbling over a big stone in the ground. Sore and tired she tried to struggle up, but she had no more strength left. She was cold and soaked because of the rain and knew even if she tried to run she wouldn’t be able to outrun the stranger.

The stranger kept talking softly to her, trying to convince her he did not mean her any harm. He had knelt down close to her and carefully crouched closer holding out some bandage while she struggled to sit up. As he wiped the clean bandage over the cut on her head, she could feel her nerves calm down. She had escaped the orcs and a new life was beginning.

Title: Re: "Escape!" (IC Story/IG Plotline)
Post by: Estel on March 27, 2008, 04:37:03 pm
Morning came faster then the healers anticipated. Estel had awakened quietly, and had remained motionless for an unknown time, studying the healers that were going in and out of the building, reporting for duty and speaking about patients. When they did notice she was awake they of course wanted to greet her and examine her, but as soon as any of the healers approached her she’d shy away from them, making a lot and loud protest. It had taken them a long time to convince her they meant her no harm. Had they known they would have offered her food much much earlier, because only after they had done that she became somewhat more easy to handle.

You could say it was quite an eventful day for the healers with only that single patient. They couldn’t give her too much food, because of her malnourishment, so that tool couldn’t be used to win her trust all the time. They had managed to wash her, even to struggle her into new and clean clothing, but more she had not allowed them. The healers were amazing, they were patient and understanding and made sure all was done for the young elf they could do. But they were sure glad to see Jon Trent later that day!

Title: Re: "Escape!" (IC Story/IG Plotline)
Post by: Jon Trent on March 27, 2008, 04:46:24 pm
JT had been anxious all day. He couldn't wait to get off duty so he could visit Estel at the healers. She was so weak and thin when he found her the night before and he needed to know she was okay.

He darted into the tavern and purchased some bread and cheese with the last of his coins before setting off at a sprint to the healers. Once there the head healer took JT to one side and explained that the timid elf girl hadn't been too co-operative and was a little wary, though they had managed to bathe and dress her.

JT glanced to Estel's bed in the corner and saw her huddled on the floor peering over the edge of her bed at him. He gave a friendly smile and pulled the food wrapped in cloth from his pack as he made his way to her bed.

Estel looked pleased to see him and even more pleased to see the food. They sat together and ate, Estel hiding chunks of bread and cheese under her bed for later. JT tried to find out how long Estel had been captive to the orcs. More summers than she could remember was the reply and that saddened him.

Their small meal finished he then very carefully and gently changed the dressing on her head wound and they chatted some more. The poor girl spoke more orcish and common than elven, though little bits came back to her as they talked. JT promised to help her find out more of her kinfolk and maybe even find out from where she came.

Estel kept a suspicious eye on the healers at all times and when one came over to tell her she needed rest JT rushed out into the orchard to fetch some apples before he had to leave. Estel clutched them to her chest smiling widely at her new friend, her only friend and JT promised to visit her every day.

Title: Re: "Escape!" (IC Story/IG Plotline)
Post by: Jon Trent on March 30, 2008, 12:27:25 pm
JT stepped from the shadows of the barracks and saluted Hoagie and Perrin.

"I need to visit the healers Sarge, is that okay?"

"Got an illness that makes ye nay wear yer gorget an' cap Trent?"

JT reddened. He tried to lie but conceeded defeat. "I'm going to visit someone Sir."

Hoagie smirked faintly to himself. "Off ye go lad!"

JT saulated and scarpered before his Sergeant could change his mind.

JT peered around the healers doorway to look at Estel. The pretty elf girl looked up and smiled. Even after just a couple of days in the care of the healers she looked to be regaining strength.

JT talked to the healers who too were impressed with Estel's progress, then he walked to her bed and crouched beside her.

They exchanged welcomes and smiled shyly, JT handing her some more apples, which she put in the hiding place under the bed.

Estel was now well enough to walk and with the healers permission JT showed her around Cove. They visited the docks, of which Estel was a little wary. Then the new memorial park, bath house and tavern where they met Hoagie and Perrin.

JT introduced Estel and bought her some soup which she slurped greedily. The guardsmen made her feel welcome and after Perrin had decided to call it a night Hoagie joined JT and Estel on their tour of the Baronship.

Next they visited the church and market where Hoagie produced a jar of honey for the elf girl who gladly took it and devoured most of it's contents.

Feeling tired from her exersions but happy to be in the company of JT and meeting some more Covians it was time for Estel to return to the healers. JT escorted her back and saw that she was well and tucked in.

Noticing the soup and honey stains on her dress he promised her a new one when he next visited the following day. After saying their goodbyes JT left the healers station, glancing back to see Estel waving happily to him from the window.

Title: Re: "Escape!" (IC Story/IG Plotline)
Post by: Estel on March 30, 2008, 12:43:31 pm
Estel had been with the healers for some time now. She could feel herself become stronger every day now that she was given proper food and rest. She started to like them a bit better, had become more cooperative when the wound on her head was treated and started to help them out a bit even by helping them making the beds for patients. It made her a little bit sad that she was doing so well, because once she was recovered, where would she go? She possessed nothing and no matter how much she thought about it she couldn’t remember her early days, couldn’t remember if she had any family or a home to return to.

Silently she hoped that she could stay in Cove where everybody was being so nice to her and where the food was so tasty that her mouth would water only thinking about it. Another reason, and the most important one why she wanted to stay, was because she had a friend in Cove, her first and only friend. Every day she looked forward to his visit and enjoyed the time they were spending together.

He had taken her out to see the town and introduced her to other nice people, Hoagie and Perrin and Carlotta. He also had continued to bring her food and one of his friends had given her a jar of honey that she had really enjoyed. She had enjoyed it so much, that her dress needed to be washed and was replaced by JT with a new dress.

“Shall we walk in the Forest? Or…?”

JT shuffled a bit and Estel lifted a brow. “Whatever you’d like to do.”
“I want to do everything!” she smiled. “But… I don’t know where to start.”
“The beginning is usually a good place.” He smiled back at her. “What is the first thing you want to do?”
Estel sighed.
“What’s wrong, Estel?”
“I can’t think of something to start with. Walking around with you is what I like most. Where I go when you are there does not matter. What I do does not matter too when you are there. I am glad to be with my friend.”

Estel curled up in her bed at the healers wrapping the sheets tight around her. She was free now and safe. She would repay the kindness of the Covians somehow and she would do whatever she could do so they would allow her to stay in Cove. She would make a living for herself here… close to her friend JT.

When the healers checked up on her that night, they did not find her sleeping restless and afraid but instead she was sleeping calmly with a smile on her face.

Title: Re: "Escape!" (IC Story/IG Plotline)
Post by: Jon Trent on March 31, 2008, 10:38:02 am
Cove was quiet. Most of the guards were enjoying the games in Vesper. JT kept to the forests. He didn't care much for large crowds and the peace and shadows of the woodland soothed him as he made his towards the city walls with a simply crafted box under his arm.

When he entered the healers he was a little surprised to see Estel already up and about. She was just finishing the elven phrase book he had brought from Trinsic and though she had picked up more of her kin's tongue she had remembered very little else.

"I've bought you a something little one."

"Ooh! A box! I can keep all my things in it." Estel beamed.

JT smirked a little. "There's something in the box for you Estel."

She opened the box and her face lit up. "Apples!"

"Aaannnnnd...." JT prompted her, now chuckling softly.

"A dress! No-one ever bought me a dress before. Diola lle JT."

"Lle creoso little one." He blushed. "Why don't you try it on? I hope you like the colour?"

She nodded eagerly and turned her back as did he.

"It's green! It reminds me of trees. I like trees."

"Me too!" He smiled softly and glimpsed over his shoulder for a moment and what he saw saddened him greatly.

Estel's back was covered in scars from the many floggings she must have endured from her orc master. There and then JT swore to himself that he'd kill the orc if ever it came with range of his axe or bow.

The wide smile on Estel's pretty face dissolved the frown on his and they set out once more to explore the Covian buildings so the little elf girl could get used to her surroundings.

They walked and talked as they made their way around the buildings and then into the shire. The time JT spent with Estel was always happy and he felt comfortable and at ease in her company. He couldn't stop himself from gazing at her from time to time and becoming embarasesed, not knowing whether she noticed.

He also found himself longing for the brief embrace they would share before she would return to the healers.

Although he had once again tucked her up in bed that eve, when he walked from the healers back to the gates he glanced back to see her at the window waving.

Title: Re: "Escape!" (IC Story/IG Plotline)
Post by: Jon Trent on March 31, 2008, 05:54:02 pm
JT could hear Estel's voice as he approached the healers. She was already waiting outside and getting to know some of the townsfolk.

"I've heard there are some games in Vesper! Will you take me JT?" She sounded so buubly and looked even better than the day before.

"Of course I will!" He smiled and they made their way out of the gates with Estel excitedly saying goodbye to everyone they passed.

They made their way through the shire and along the southern coastline. It started to rain heavily and they took shelter under the trees. The weather had passed by the time they reached the beach.

Estel took off her shoes and curled her toes up in the sand before dropping to her knees and making fists in the sand also. Was something coming back to her? A memory?

"Shells!" She shrieked happily as JT crouched beside her.

"I used to have lots of shells... But I don't know when... And I don't know where?" She sagged.

"It will come back little one." He said softly.

She started to clean the sand from the shells. "Masta didn't allow me any belongings." She frowned.

"When you get back to the healers place a shell to you ear and you can still hear the sea." JT smiled softly at her.

She nodded and got to her feet and they carried on the short journey into Vesper. It seems they had missed the nights events and given the option of going into the tavern or walking around the town Estel chose the tavern... She wanted soup!

They went inside and JT saw a familiar face in Stewan so he said hello and introduced Estel as the barmaid brought the soup. A pigeon called JT away on duty so they headed back to the healers with the young guardsman promising another visit before night fall.

It was dusk when JT returned to see a smiling Estel waiting for him.

"You came back!" She beamed.

"I did! And i got honey"

JT lit his lantern and they sat in the twilight eating honey and chatting. A strong bond was forming between them and the young archer found himself gazing at her more than once.

They huddled close in the chill evening air. "The marks on you back little one?" He glided his hand gently over the scars on her back revealed by her dress.

"Masta made them, when he was angry." She sagged remembering her days with the cruel orcs.

"If I ever find him I'll kill him mellonamin." JT said grimly.

"No no no. You mustn't! It's dangerous." Panicked Estel looking concerned at the guardsman.

"If he ever comes into bow range I will bring him down." He scoweld.

They chatted again of happier things. Estel wanted to stay in Cove and find work so she could be near JT and her new friends and this lightened the guardsman's mood. Before they knew it the sun was rising over the horizon and they hugged eachother close before picking up his lantern JT headed back out into the forests.

Title: Re: "Escape!" (IC Story/IG Plotline)
Post by: Estel on April 01, 2008, 08:35:36 am
Estel dangled her feet under the chair back and forth. She was sitting behind Lloyd’s desk and was trying to listen to what the older healer was telling her. By his own choice he had taken on the job of teaching her about whatever he thought could be usefull for her to know. She had come to trust him and he had come to like her and feel somewhat responsible for her as long as she was with the healers. Soon he would have to let her go and then her new life as a free woman would really start.

Her progress had amazed him. The trauma she must have gone through while being enslaved by an orc could have easily made her weary of everyone and everything, but instead she embraced the kindness everyone offered her with both hands and had become a friend. He smiled when he noticed she had lost interest in his words. She wore a Trinsic Rose behind her ear and the healer did not have to guess where the flower came from or why she was wearing it. It came as no surprise to him that something blossomed between her and the young Covian that had found her. Would this be a good time to speak to her about what was proper and what not between men and women?

She was staring dreamily ahead of her and touched her lips with a finger not noticing he was looking at her. No, the healer thought, let her have her dreams and happy thoughts. He smiled again and decided to prepare some food for her.

Title: Re: "Escape!" (IC Story/IG Plotline)
Post by: Jon Trent on April 01, 2008, 12:40:14 pm
JT made his way through the tree line into the Elven Quarter. He wanted to visit the library there to learn some more of elves and to also borrow a book or two for Estel. He also wanted to speak quietly with Gwen at the Rose, but as he approached he could hear laughter and voices coming from the tavern. He may have to wait a while.

He said hello to the usual faces such as Stewan and Devante and before too long Sergeant Hoagie was by his side with ale in hand. When the lovely Gwen got a moment to spare from serving her patrons JT asked if he could view the library.

Gwen took a moment from the busy tavern to accompany JT and Hoagie who wanted to tag along to the library. She showed JT some new books she had acquired and showed Sergeant Hoagie to the picture book section.

The two guardsman talked a while and after JT had done they headed back to the tavern which was now a little quieter.

Once the tavern had emptied JT and Gwen spoke softly to each other, about themselves and the poor elf girl JT had befriended. Gwen noticed JT's shyness with her had suddenly gone and recognised that perhaps they had become the friends she always knew they could be. Estel was lucky indeed to have found JT she thought... No... They were lucky to have found eachother.

It was time for JT to go visit Estel. Gwen smiled as they embraced.

"Dartha ban." She said happily to her friend.
"Namaarie mellonamin." JT answered with a faint smile.

As JT strode towards the healers Estel was outside watching as a flight of birds passed by. The young couple made their way out of the town gates and sat in the peaceful memorial park.

They sat and chatted, tentatively holding eachothers hands.

"That's a pretty flower. It's like the one on your sash." Estel motioned to the flowers on their table.

"Yeah. It's a rose. The ones that grow in Trinsic."
He replied shyly.

"I read that elves sometimes wear a flower for someone special, but your a humie... Do you have someone special?"

The young guardsman pondered for a moment before saying softly. "I do have someone special... You."

They both blushed and Estel picked a flower from the table and fastened it to her dress.

"I have someone special too!" She beamed at him.

JT leaned in slowly and pecked her on the lips then backed away shyly. Estel giggled to add to his embarrassment.

"Ermm... Was that nice?" He enquired.
"Nicer than honey!" She smiled, blushing, raising a finger to her lips.

He looked down at his sash and unfastened the rose he wore there. He lifted it to his eye and pondered. The flower he once wore for someone else he could now honestly, with all his heart give to another. He offered the rose to Estel and smiling she placed it behind her ear.

"Now you don't have one."
She frowned.

Picking the rose from her dress she leant across and fastened it to his sash. Then they held eachother close and talked until dawn.

Title: Re: "Escape!" (IC Story/IG Plotline)
Post by: Jon Trent on April 03, 2008, 01:31:57 pm
A pigeon from Sergeant Hoagie called guardsman Trent back to Cove. When he arrived the Sergeant and Estel were standing outside the tavern, Estel with a wide smile on her face.

"They let me stay! I'm a citizen!" She beamed.

JT beamed back and the three of them went into the tavern for a drink.

"I can gather wool, make bandages, clean, work in the tavern, collect feathers..." She chatted happily.

"All we need know is somewhere to stay JT."

By this time a hearty hobbit had entered the tavern and was telling jokes. He overhead the conversation and offered his small cottage as a temporary home to the young elf and guardsman and they gladly accepted.

Estel was now so excited she could not sleep so and along with Hoagie they grabbed some supplies and headed to the troubled town of Moonglow to spread the word of the Baron's army.

They left many recruitment banners before returning to the hobbits cottage to sleep. Estel laid on the comfy bed and JT wrapped in his bedroll was on the floor. They gazed and smiled at eachother in the little light provided by the dying fire until drifting off to sleep.

* * * * *

The next day Estel couldn't wait to start work so with JT for protection they headed off into the shire in search of sheep. They found few but collected a little wool as well as some feathers from roaming harpies which would be welcomed into the army stores.

They stopped for a little rest and to Estel's delight JT pulled a jar of honey from his pack. They sat a while eating honey and talking. JT spilled a little on his kilt which made the little elf girl laugh so much that she spilled th jar on her dress in turn making the young woodsman chuckle.

They headed back to Cove and the bath house somewhat sticky and for a moment the harshness of life and the ordeal of captivity forgotten they laughed and splashed in the baths until both were soaked as too was Sergeant Hoagie when he ventured inside to investigate the noise.

He left the bath house muttering as Estel and JT soaked to the skin got out of the water. Though their clothes were now clean they were sodden and the woodsman could not help but stare as Estel's wet dress clung to her body.

They made their way to the cottage so Estel could change her dress and the gurdsman could dry out in front of the hearth. The bond between them growing all the time the young couple shared a moment of tenderness before heading out again in search of more sheep!

Title: Re: "Escape!" (IC Story/IG Plotline)
Post by: Estel on April 04, 2008, 07:21:51 pm
The Elven Healer

As soon as they stepped out of the moongate a really awkward feeling came over Estel. A feeling that became even worse as she gazed up at the huge trees that here and there had branches twisted in a strange manner. JT spoke cheerfully, telling her they had arrived in the Elven Quarter and that she was looking at the famous Trinsic Rose Tavern. She tried to respond with equal cheerfulness, not wanting to disappoint him as he apparently felt completely at ease amongst the great trees, but of course he noticed. Finding it unable to give words to her uneasiness she just moved close, almost leaning against him as they continued their journey through the Elven Quarter.

“This is an infirmary and there is a library above.”
“Infirmary… is like Lloyd’s Healers house, yes?”
JT nodded and pondered for a moment. “Would you like to go inside? The Elven Healer is supposed to be very good.”
“Elf healers very good, Lloyd say so. Maybe she know, how old I can be?”

They entered the building that was partially tree and partially building and came face to face with a beautiful elven woman. She had long blond hair and very friendly eyes and an even friendlier smile. Her smile was met by a nervous smile of JT and an even more nervous smile from Estel who almost hid behind JT. The woman was just drying her hands and made a welcoming gesture. “Aaye, come in.”

The elven woman and JT spoke a little, Estel remaining behind him and glancing over his shoulder to look at the elf. This was the first time she ever saw an elf that was not dead, the first time she met someone who was like her. Why did she feel so anxious that she wanted to run and hide and not look at her or talk with her? Startled she blushed a deep red when the woman addressed her and held out her hand to Estel. Softly Jon spoke assuringly to her, “its okay, little one”, before she carefully placed her hand in the woman’s.

“Amin naa Ruadnit Troi.”
“Me be, Estel Aralle.”
Her nervousness made her orcish accent stronger.
The woman frowned at her a moment.
“She only has a little elven, miss.”
“But she understood which is encouraging.”

The woman led her to a delicately decorated bench and ordered her to sit. Seeing her uneasiness JT crouched down close by. Ruadnit explained she was able to heal in two ways, one that was similar to the way that Lloyd healed and the other was by touch. As she turned and sat down behind a desk with bottles, bandages and other healer’s tools she explained to Estel that her touch would make Estel feel warm and tingly inside. She suddenly looked straight at Estel and asked if she had any other injuries besides the healing cut on her head. Somewhat ashamed Estel told her she had old lashing scars on her back that were caused by her master.

To her surprise the elven woman also asked if she had been around a mage or mages. “My masta was Ork Mage. Why you know that?”
Ruadnit muttered and Estel looked questioningly at her, while JT shuffled closer and held her hand, squeezing it gently.
“There’s magic being used on you.”
“On me?”

JT raised a brow.
“Probably to keep you in sight.”
“But… I no remember? Masta never did magics on me.”
Confused Estel stared at the woman until she suddenly realized: “For… for… for as long as I can remember…”
“It must be some memory spell or curse.”

Ruadnit kneeled down in front of her and placed some regents in her hands, before placing her hands over Estel’s. Then she closed her eyes and began chanting in an elven tongue that neither JT nor Estel recognized. While she did that the regents began to glow and disappear and Estel heard a soft popping sound. Together with the popping sound Estel felt a strange pain inside of her head. Her gaze met with that of the elf that opened her eyes surprised. “Well, that didn’t go well…”

She explained something more, but Estel couldn’t hear. Instead she could hear her former master speak to her, a chanting like manner as the elf had just done. She did not understand the words at all, but guessing from what the elven woman had just done he must have been using magic. Must have been. She was remembering something. ‘Estel, come to me…’. Frightened by the words Estel reached for the sides of her head while the words slowly faded into silence.

Suddenly worried JT asked her if she was all right and Ruadnit softly touched her arm.
“He’s calling.” Estel whispered.
“Well, tell him no.” Ruadnit simply said. “Yell it out loud if you have to. He’ll hear.”
But I don’t want him to hear. Estel looked over to JT, his face calming her down.
“Whatever he did, it is lessened. He won’t be able to track her.”
“Will it ever go, miss?”
JT looked up concerned.
“The death of the mage should negate his spell.”

Estel tried to get up but was gently pushed back. Still dazed by the experience she just had, she nodded when the woman asked her if she could now heal her. Again she held out her hands to Estel and began chanting again after Estel had put her hands back in hers. She could feel a warmth entering her starting in her hands and slowly flowing through the rest of her body. JT’s eyes widened as he noticed the cut on her head started to disappear slowly until there was not even a scar left. The warmth kept crawling within her, healing whatever damage there was left from her ordeal with the orcs and she could even feel her back tingling.

For a moment the cut that had been on Estel’s head appeared on the same place on Ruadnit’s head and Ruadnit paled white. When the warm feeling left her, the healing done, Estel leaned forward and put her arms around Ruadnit’s waist. “Amin Hiraetha. (I am sorry)” She whispered softly. “For hurting you…” In reply Ruadnit hugged her gently back. “Lle did not, tis part of my gift.”

Ruadnit sat down behind her desk again and started to prepare a pretty blue jar, putting a blue salve in it. “This salve will get rid of the older scars you have. Put it on twice a day until they are gone.” She looked over at Estel again. “Lle will be please to know lle is well over a century old. Lle are still young. In elven terms lle are as old as your friend is.” She nodded towards JT. “So lle have a long life ahead of you.”
Estel’s mouth had dropped open in surprise. “Dat iz rilly rilly rilly old…”
“Not for a pretty elf as you.”
“Thank you so much, Miss.”
JT said grateful when she handed him the salve.

They parted and after having had soup in the Trinsic Rose JT showed her more of Britannia until Estel became tired and visibly needed rest. Having felt so uneasy earlier, Estel was very glad JT had hired a room at the Covian tavern for the night that had a bed that was big enough for both of them to sleep in. Tonight she did not want to sleep alone, but rather close to the one she felt most safe with.

Title: Re: "Escape!" (IC Story/IG Plotline)
Post by: Estel on April 07, 2008, 05:58:26 pm
Oh ye faint of heart, be carefull reading this part... some content may not be pleasant

Orc trouble

While chatting cheerfully with JT Estel suddenly noticed something moving around the Garden in front of the walled city part of Cove.  “Hurrh…” the figure said and since the accent was unmistakably orcish Estel jumped frightfully away from the sound. “Orks!!!” JT called out and immediately the elf hurried off to hide behind the stairs of the plateau with the big statue, trembling uncontrollably. They had found her! They were going to take her back! Thoughts of what would happen to her once back amongst the orcs flashed through her mind, unpleasant thoughts…

In a threatening manner the Orc approached them, addressing them in his own language. JT shouted at it, while Estel was beginning to panic and plead for JT to run away. Neither the Orc nor JT responded. Instead the Orc rubbed his burnt-out eye while pointing his weapon at the elf and JT armed himself with his bow, aiming an arrow at the Orc. Behind them Estel started to sob.

“Nuhw, liszhden. Gibve gr za elbf. Ash uruk shamun wuhnt ta bahkk.”
Defensive JT shuffled closer to Estel and shouted a loud no at the orc.
The Orc ignored him and gazed at the elf menacingly. “Khom al, illid…” He crooned at her.
Estel shook her head a little. “No,” the tone in her voice betrayed her fear. “I no want to go back…”
The orc snarled and moved closer. JT stood between them, the look in his face grim. The Orc spoke again, angered with her disobedience and leapt towards JT raising the big axe in his hand.
“No!” Estel screamed out. “No! No!” The thought of JT getting hurt, made her completely forget all the fear in her heart. A new fear rose as images of JT and death filled her thoughts. “Don’t ‘urt JT !!!” She got up from behind the stairs when JT’s body became limp and fell. “JT! JT!” She had barely knelt down besides him, when the Orc grabbed a handful of her hair and dragged her along with him away from JT. “JT!” She called out again. “JT!” But no reply came, nor did he move…

Estel screamed out as the Orc dragged her further and further away from the Garden. She tried tugging at her hair to release it from his grip until the Orc got tired of her screams and struggles and slapped her hard across the face. “Hoshat, snaga!” 
She silenced immediately, knowing all too well the pain he would cause her if she angered him any further. He continued dragging her along by her hair. Sobbing and trembling she couldn’t do anything. She had neither weapons nor the strength to stand up against the Orc. He halted and pulled her up by her hair so they were face to face. Again he slapped her across the face, his single red eye gleaming with pleasure. Estel began to struggle, pleading him to let her go.

“Gr wihll hae suhm fuhn…” He patted the whip on his side. Instantly the elf froze, gazing with her eyes widened and full of fear at the whip. The Orc looked her up and down. She whispered softly. “No! I go work… I be good…” The Orc rubbed his burnt out eye, deliberately catching some puss from it and smearing it across her face. “Harrh!” She wanted to scream, fight, anything to get away from him as he brought his face closer and closer and eventually licked the puss from her face, but her body wouldn’t move. Content with the fear he brought to her he continued dragging her back to the Orc camp.

Once they were near, he rammed her head into a tree, causing her to scream out in pain again. A gleeful cackle escaped from him as she sunk to her knees, holding her head between her hands, dazed from the pain.
“Gr wihll habve some fuhn wib lat bodyj before gr gibye lat bakk to za shamun!” He grabbed her dress and ripped the fabric from her body. She could hear voices call out loud nearby, human voices. The Orc looked up towards the guards that were heading their way and with a daring, mean look he lifted his axe and smacked her across the bottom. A scream escaped from Estel’s lips, followed by another loud scream from someone else. JT ! He was alive, he was there!

“Drop her!” another male voice shouted. “I’m warning you, Orc!”
The Orc merely eyed them disdainfully, taking the whip from his side with his other hand. Estel in the meantime crawled a little away, trying to cover herself with her arms and trying to catch her breath from the last smack with the axe. Without any warning the whip came down hard on her back.

Tears welled up in her eyes as the pain shot through her body. It was so intense, that she could hardly take a breath. Around her many things started to happen at once. Someone pushed her down to the ground, probably to keep her safe from the fighting. She could hear weapons clash, feet running past her. Then someone put his arms around her protectively. Before he spoke, she knew it was. “Are you okay, little one?”

Tears flowed down her face now. “He broke pretty dress…” she sobbed. The dress JT had bought her. Her favourite out of the two dresses she owned. There was shouting around them and Estel was pushed against the ground again. It didn’t take long for the men to take on the single Orc and shortly after Estel was back at the Healers with a very shaken JT taking care of her.


JT’s hands rested on her hips, keeping her in the right position in front of the archery target. Estel closed an eye and concentrated, aiming the arrow at the target. Images of all the orcs she hated so much went through her mind. Calmly she inhaled an exhaled. It was as if all her hatred and misery was poured into the arrow before she released it.

The arrow flew. Right in the middle of the target.

She nodded. Right between its eyes. One day… one day… she would fight back.

Title: Re: "Escape!" (IC Story/IG Plotline)
Post by: Jon Trent on April 10, 2008, 10:57:16 am
JT stepped from the shadows of the barracks doorway as Estel walked past.

"Lle naa vanima." He said softly over her shoulder.

He had made her jump and she giggled as she turned to face him.

"I think you are beautiful too." She beamed at him.

JT blushed and quickly asked if Estel would like to practice more with his bow. She said she did and so they headed into the forest bows in hand in search of prey. They would not harm the animals of the forest but there would be enough vermin, headless beings, trolls, harpies and such to keep them busy.

The young Covian guardsman took on some of the bigger foes with his heavy crossbow while Estel continued to show her natural ability with a bow by bullseying several smaller targets. They patrolled through the shire together as far as the Altmere outpost where JT showed her around and they enjoyed the views from it's roof.

"You are better with that bow than I am!" JT grinned.
"It must be a lucky bow." Estel smiled back.
"It only seems to be lucky when you are using it little one." He chuckled.

As they made there way back Estel became more bold and stood shoulder to shoulder with JT as they felled ogres and trolls, with her landing the killing blow on more than one occasion. They also encountered a group of brigands holding a traveller hostage and while JT switched to his axe to confront the mob Estel covered him with her bow and with the bandits vanquished the traveller rewarded them from his recovered purse.

Tired from their exploits and her shoulder aching from drawing the bowstring  Estel needed some rest and also her recent wounds as well as her old ones needed tending to with salve. The two young lovebirds made their way to an inn where to rest from their exertions and so her wounds could be treated.

Title: Re: "Escape!" (IC Story/IG Plotline)
Post by: Jon Trent on April 17, 2008, 01:04:20 pm
The young guardsman sat alone in the Trinsic Rose tavern. He had hoped to catch Gwen but Millie the barmaid told him she had been out most of the evening. It seems something had been troubling the pretty elf recently and she had been throwing herself into her work and other activities in the Duchy to help her forget her troubles.

JT brooded a little, what could be upsetting his friend so? He drained the last of his Eska Fion and was about to leave when the tavern door swung open... It was Gwen! Her pretty elven features brightened at seeing JT and she made her way over to sit next to him happily.

She had been training with the Duchy guards and then helping to escort a goods caravan before fatigue had got the better of her. She explained why she was keeping herself so occupied and what had been troubling her so much. At one time this news would have secretly made him happy and JT felt a little guilty for that but he was so sad at how unhappy his special friend had become.

"Oh little one, I'm so sorry. Truly I am. If there's anything I can do mellonamin, just ask. Please ask."

The woodsman placed a hand gently on her shoulder and looked into her sad eyes. Instinctively they embraced and held eachother close for a moment then Gwen rested her forehead gently against his.

"I'll be okay... And I have a gift for my friend!" She smiled softly.

It was typical of Gwen to think of her friends even through her own unhappiness. She took JT's hand and they left the tavern to stroll through the Quarter.

"People tell me that you and your lady have to lodge with friends or sleep at inns."

She looked at him concerned, teasing him just a little. JT blushed and looked down at the ground as they walked.

"We can't afford a place of our own and I can't have Estel using a bedroll in the woods like I do." He mumbled.

"No no no... That is why I give you this gift."

They had stopped outside one of the beautiful elven tree dwellings of the Quarter. JT looked at her quizzically.

"What...? The house?"

Gwen nodded and smiled softly. The young Covian was lost for words as she brushed past him and opened the door. There was a kitchen and dinner table and store room downstairs and living/sleeping quarters upstairs.

"Estel will be so excited!" JT beamed.
"But... I feel so guilty...?"
"Why does my friend feel guilty?" Gwen asked confused.
"Because you make me so happy yet you are so sad."
"That is because you are my friend... Mellonamin." She said softly.
"You are the best friend anyone could ever have Gwen." JT replied, a single tear escaping his eye.
"Awwww." She teased. "I did not mean to make my friend cry."
He grinned a little and rubbed his eyes.
"I don't know how I can ever repay your kindness."
"The only payment I want is for my friend to be happy."

They embraced again and Gwen left so JT could get used to his new home. He felt like he would burst with joy as he made his way back downstairs. He had to get back to Cove as soon as possible and find Estel.

What a surprise he had for his "melamin".

Title: Re: "Escape!" (IC Story/IG Plotline)
Post by: Estel on April 17, 2008, 07:14:20 pm

While they still had their arms around each other, a gesture that Estel had come to like very much, JT spoke softly in her ear: “I have a surprise for you!” The tone of his voice was so excited that Estel leaned back to look at his face. “Surprise? You spoil me! You surprise me already with nice hug from your arms.”
“This is an even better surprise!”
“Better? I can no imagine better surprise then you.”JT blushed and softly kissed her cheek. Curious the elf started to search for his pocket. “Where is it then? In pocket?”
He shook his head. “Nope!”
A puzzled look crossed her face. Where would he keep a surprise if not in his pocket? What would it be? Maybe he had gone to  Carlotta and asked her to make some more soup? Or maybe he plucked apples from the tree in the Garden and left them somewhere, coming to pick her up so they could eat them together?
“You remember the Elven Quarter where we met the healer?” She nodded. “The surprise is there. My friend Gwen gave us a gift; do you want to see it?”
“Is it apple pie?” she asked hopeful. She heard this friend of his was a somewhat good cook.

Footsteps approached. A team of guards returned from wherever they had gone too. Excited about the surprise now, Estel waved at Hoagie who was amongst them and called out: “JT has a surprise!!! And it’s not in his pocket!” Hoagie nearly choked and immediately gave JT an odd look, while JT besides her blushed really red with wide eyes.
Estel did not notice the exchange of looks between the men and watched the guards curious. Still blushing JT nodded towards one of them. “That’s Eve… She’s an officer. Like Hoagie.” Surprised Estel stared at the woman and then again to Hoagie. Earlier she had been looking for an officer to whom she could give the bandages that she had made and JT had explained to her that… “But she does not look grumpy and Hoagie always smiles?”
Again JT’s face became redder then usual.
“Oh! They wear hats, is that what makes em diff’rent?”
“No, I have a cap too. I just don’t wear it.”

At that moment Hoagie approached them and JT told him that he had paid Estel for the bandages she had made and that he was about to show her a surprise.
“Ooh! I know wha’ it is…! Lemme guess.” Hoagie said with a grin.
Estel frowned. “I do not know what it is. What is it then?”
Hoagie suddenly kept his gaze on JT. “Where ye left yer cap?”
Quickly JT searched for it and put it on his head, Estel helping him with putting it straight on his head.
With a pleased look in his eyes, Hoagie nodded, and somewhat grumpily JT turned to a smiling Estel. “Now you look like officer…”

“Maybe others want see surprise too or is it only surprise for me?”
JT leaned in and whispers softly. “Just for you and me, melamin”
She nodded and turned to Hoagie. “Hoagie, you cannot come. Is only surprise for me.” The elf beamed happily. Somewhat uncomfortable JT shuffled shiftily besides her under the faintly grinning look of Hoagie. For some reason she seemed to have said things in a way that apparently was not entirely proper. She’d have to ask Lloyd about it… maybe he knew what.

Later the couple arrived in the Elven Quarter where JT led her to one of the trees. Overwhelmed by the kindness of JT’s friend she set foot inside it. They were gifted a home to stay in…

Title: Re: "Escape!" (IC Story/IG Plotline)
Post by: Estel on April 18, 2008, 06:44:42 pm

Someone called out her name. There was a clear tone of panic in the voice. It was male. JT. Slowly Estel opened her eyes looking into JT’s worried face that hovered above her. Why was she laying on the ground? She tried lifting her hand to reach for the back of her head, but stopped moving it, staring at the scratch on her lower arm. Her glance moved onwards and she noticed Hoagie looking down at her as well. He said something and she felt how JT lifted her from the ground holding her close to him and taking her back to the nearby tavern. Somewhat dazed she leaned her head against him, remembering swiftly what had happened just before…

She had found a wandering man earlier asking her how to get to Trinsic. Apparently it was of great importance to him to get there, because after she had told him she did not exactly know how to get there he insisted she would find him someone who did know. The two of them ended up in the Tavern of Cove and while JT was talking to the man an Orc had suddenly appeared. The stranger and Estel had both hidden themselves quickly behind a table and she didn’t hear what the Orc and the others were talking about. Whatever it was, it resulted in all of them drawing their weapons and trying to chase the Orc away.

Just when she thought she was safe the Orc had come back to the tavern and attacked her merciless.  Of course she tried to escape it, but she just wasn’t skilled or willed enough to escape him. Worse even… she had tripped and fallen, hitting her head against something and waking up just now. Stoopid ork.

Once back in the Tavern JT immediately attended to the wound on her arm and Hoagie prepared an icepack for her head. What if the Ork had come again to get her back? What would happen if an ork would hurt any of the Covians who had been so kind to her in an effort to retrieve her? How badly did her Master want her back? It stung. The realization that she could be the cause of having brought problems to Cove with her presence. Maybe she should return to them to keep the Covians safe from harm.

JT did not want to hear anything of that idea. She was a Covian now and there was no way they would let her return or let her be taken back. Then the one called Takamadda offered healing of a different nature. Neither JT or Estel refused it, especially after what they had experienced with the Elven Healer Ruadnit Troi. He chanted like her. A different language though. One she did not know. As she felt his magic flow into her, it felt like her her brains nearly exploded inside of her.

“You will come back to me.” It was the voice of the Orc mage speaking to her in her mind. “You will be my slave untill I die.” It was as if she could feel his hand touching her cheek, but while that happened images appeared. The hand touching her cheek in her thoughts was not orcish, but white skinned, delicate. She looked on and looked straight into the face of a man, an elven man. Long blond hair like her own lay around his face, covering nearly all of his ears except for the pointed tips of them. His eyes… it felt like looking into her own eyes. She must have known this man, because looking at him gave her a feeling of great joy.

“Estel, you must run…” He spoke softly to her and a wave of sadness engulfed her. She reached out to him in her thoughts and surprised she realized it were definitely her own hands, but much smaller then they were now. She was remembering something from her youth! Her tiny hands tried to lift the man’s head. “Atar, Atar!” Another wave of sadness. He closed his eyes and she instinctively knew it was for the last time he ever would. When she pulled back her hands they were covered with blood, his blood.

“Melamin?” JT’s voice brought her back to the now.  Dazed she looked up to him. “I remember something… What means Atar?”
Their eyes met. “That means father in elvish…”

Title: Re: "Escape!" (IC Story/IG Plotline)
Post by: Jon Trent on April 21, 2008, 01:12:16 pm
Estel was sleeping soundly when JT got home. He walked wearily back outside to stand under the waterfall hoping the cool water that rained down on him would wash away the feeling in his gut after the night's slaughter.

The emptiness he felt wasn't out of remorse for the orcs he had slain, they were a curse upon the lands, but was caused by the fury with which he had fought and the ruthlessness with which he had killed.

He started to remove his armour, dropping it at his feet in the pool and began to wash away the grime of the night's battle. Estel's former master must have been amongst the pile of orc dead left in their underground fortress... He had to be. Not a single orc shaman was left alive as the band of Covians had sacked their sanctuary.

As he rubbed his aching muscles and ran his fingers through his wet hair he hoped the orc's hold over Estel would be broken, surely it must? He looked down to his feet, his armour stained with gore and gristle had turned the pool more pink than blue. He sighed and set about scrubbing it.

He had just finished cleaning the last piece when he heard Este's light footfalls behind him. He turned swiftly around to see her beaming at him.

"You're back!"
"I am!" He smiled softly.
"How do you feel little one? Did you have any more memories return to you?"

His hopes of her former master being among the orc dead that night seemed dashed. The young guardsman sagged, his eyes hollow and skin pale.

"More memories?" He asked.
"No, no more. Why?" She shook her head.

Disappointed he took her in his arms, burying his face so she would not see the tears in his eyes. The shaman still lived.

"Amin mela lle tithen pen."
"Amin mela lle vithel JT."

Title: Re: "Escape!" (IC Story/IG Plotline)
Post by: Jon Trent on May 21, 2008, 11:19:04 am

JT moved swiftly through the forest, weaving in and out of the rows of trees and undergrowth. He was trying to keep his excitement at returning home and seeing Estel under control but he felt like he would burst as he now set out on a headlong sprint towards the Elven Quarter.

Entering their home he found Estel wasn't there. She'd probably be off with Gwen or Draxy he thought as he slumped onto their couch now feeling drained and fatigued from his long journey home.

He didn't know if he was dreaming or awake as he saw Estel's pretty face before him. He had dreamt so much of her while he'd been away and in many of those dreams the presence of Estel had seemed so real, almost like her appearance was more than a dream.

"You're back!" She beamed.
"I am!" He replied now shaking himself from his semi-slumber.
"I missed you so much JT"
"And I you melamin."

They sat and talked of their time apart. JT could share little of his mission to far off lands but Estel had much to tell of the time spent with her new friends in the Elven Quarter. She had been working hard with her bow and learning the ways of elves and men.

JT produced a delicate paper crafted bird from his pack and Estel's face lit up at seeing the gift and it promptly took pride of place in their home. Their reunion however would be cut short for now as duty called in Cove so they both made their way to the Covian barracks.

After the long battle with the harpies in Ilshenar JT and Estel returned home. JT had one more gift from his travels given to him by his mother when he had stopped in Skara on his homeward journey. He held out his upturned fist, slowly unclenching it to reveal an old inexpensive ring. Estel's face lit up once again with surprise and delight.

She slipped the ring on the finger it fitted best and they embraced and kissed before rising slowly and taking him by the hand, Estel led JT inside from the balcony.

Title: Re: "Escape!" (IC Story/IG Plotline)
Post by: Estel on May 21, 2008, 12:34:43 pm
Of dreams and a ring

It was early in the morning when Estel woke up besides JT. He was still sleeping, laying on his side, one arm around her. She couldn’t help but smile while studying face. This was the face of the first person she saw after escaping from the orcs, the face of the man she had come to cherish more then the other faces she had met. Being parted from him had been not as difficult as she had imagined it to be. Vivid dreams at night of his sleeping form, just like how he was sleeping now, had reassured her somehow that he had been well and would return to her. Once she had reached out to him in her dream when he had an awefully sad and lonely look in his eyes. The dream him had reached out to her as well and when their fingers had touched it felt so real that even now she still wondered if it really had been a dream. It must have been. He hadn’t mentioned anything so peculiar when he spoke to her about his time away.

With gentle movements she let herself glide out of their bed without waking him and went downstairs to write a letter to Jt’s mother to thank her for the ring she had gifted her. She had not taken it off since JT had presented it to her. She didn’t want to take it off ever, she had decided. His mother must be a really kind lady to give her son such a beautifull token to give to her. Estel had actually felt somewhat sad when he mentioned his parents were old people now. She didn’t hope to find her own parents as after having had a memory about her father she was certain that her own parents were not alive anymore, but feeling so close to JT she felt a love for his parents as well even tho she had never met them. Writing down her name underneath her words of appreciation, she could sense movement above her in the master bedroom of their home. Jt was waking up ! Bubbling with happiness she rushed to the kitchen to prepare breakfast just like their elven friend had taught her…