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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Takeamada on April 01, 2008, 08:32:17 pm

Title: Training report for 04/01/08
Post by: Takeamada on April 01, 2008, 08:32:17 pm
[img]Training report  for 04/01/08

Standard training for the troops of Cove

Lead by Grenadier Captain Raiden Morana

Troops present for roll call:

  Sargent Kelly Sanderson
  Watchmen Marcus Tel'var
  Retired Officer Sir Nicholes
  Kal Shadowhand
  Recruit Ludwick Bloodaxe
  Recruit Takeamada

The captain conducted formation on the parade grounds.  Once everyone was present, he had them de-armor and conducted physical training, (laps and push ups).
We were then order outside to the town hall and conducted muscal training by clearing trees.
We then were reform and moved to the grave yard for a bit of combat drills.
After the combat drills we did a combat tactical run to the crossroads of Vesper-Minoc.  As darkness set in we lit up and conducted night maneuvers, where we ran in to an ogre who became part of our night combat training.

We then ran up the road to a fort and did more physical training of running up flights of stairs, laps on the roof, and down the stairs.  At some point during this training Sargent Kelly twisted her ankle.  We were order back to the barracks, while the captain assted Sgt Kelly. 

Sgt Kelly ended up seeing the healer and was put on light duty.

Title: Re: Training report for 04/01/08
Post by: Kelly Sanderson on April 01, 2008, 08:39:09 pm
Excellent report, Recruit.

However, some sketches may be useful next time.

Well done!

Kelly Sanderson, Sergeant

Title: Re: Training report for 04/01/08
Post by: Nicholas Bashford on April 01, 2008, 08:45:30 pm
Training Instructor
Grenadier Captain Morana

Attendance Registry
Sergeant Kelly Sanderson (Injured)
Retired Officer Sir Nicolas Bashford
Watchman Marcus Tel'var
Guardsman Recruit Ludwik Bloodaxe
Guardsman Recruit Takeamada

Well, its been some time since I've trained in any sort of military aspect. And admittedly, I only ventured to Cove to bring dark tidings and what not in the past.
However, growing bored of spending many months lounging around in the Green Goblin, I decided to attend a Guardsmen Training session held by Grenadier Captain Raiden Morana.
Chopping logs!
Was truly spiffing! I felt energised and invigorated following a series of shuttle runs across the Covian Shire to the Vesperian border, some strength logging work, a trip to the Covian Graveyared, and a circuit run around the Altmere Outpost.
Sending the Undead on their way!
The Training was finished off with a Last Man Standing, whereby Captain Morana and Watchman Tel'var fought till the bitter end! With Captain Morana claiming victory over all!
Captain Morana's interesting circuit run..
In other news, whilst shuttling around Altmere Outpost, Sergeant Sanderson sustained an injury.. Ankle, I think it was! Nay good news. One hopes she recovers soon!

Sir Nicholas Bashford, Retired Officer
Formerly Palace Guards Regiment, Britannian Army
Strategic Advisor, Baronship Of Cove

Title: Re: Training report for 04/01/08
Post by: Raiden Morana on April 01, 2008, 09:38:39 pm

My trainin' was so good it got reported twice!


Well done those who attended.


Raiden, Grenadier Captain.

Title: Re: Training report for 04/01/08
Post by: Kal/Mathew on April 02, 2008, 07:23:54 am
{Walks by and reads the report}

Hmm! A foine trainen Ser. Et was so gran' I even go' mentione' an'I was nay thar nor was I en Cove at the toime. Hmm! Funneh

Gran' repor' thar Recrui', Jess remember to bring yer pain's nex' toime. An' remember those who were actualleh thar.

Kee' up the goo' wor'

Signed: Regular Scout: Kal ShadowHand