Title: High Valued object Post by: Valiro Gryphonclaw on April 05, 2008, 08:31:39 pm Stolen: Champagne Flute
(http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/2898/champagnefluteaq0.png) From: A Britannian Recruit, accompanied with Esmeralda, a Britannian Guard After that I took my clever mind in front and went visiting the Duke of Trinsic. I then sold the Champagne flute to him to a handsome price. (http://img137.imageshack.us/img137/4812/thetradeiz8.png) *Signed* Fingo Feld Deugweld Petty Thief [OOC] Recruit's name was Darien, also note that the picture is from my own backpack, and the flute was taken from a yellow bag. Title: Re: High Valued object Post by: Leso Varen on April 07, 2008, 12:46:17 am Infamy awarded: 40