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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Raiden Morana on April 07, 2008, 05:18:16 pm

Title: Raiden's Orc Fort Raid
Post by: Raiden Morana on April 07, 2008, 05:18:16 pm
Attended by:

Raiden, Grenadier Captain (leading)
Sir Nicholas Bashford, Retired Officer
Kal ShadowHand, Regular Scout
Thomas Sendrich, Regular Guardsman
Ludwik Bloodaxe, Watchman
Marvin Grimpbold, Guardsman Recruit

After this eve's promotions parade that saw Ludwik Bloodaxe promoted to Watchman and Guardsman Recruit Go-Hei receiving the Activity Reward Ribbon I deciding it'd be prudent to take a trip to the orc fort to see if the stinkoes had replenished their numbers.

We force marched it from Cove town to the gates of the fort where we were immediately met by an orc champion. We closed up our formation and brought the bugger down before making our way inside.


It seems the orcs have been busy again with supplies being stocked and numbers on the increase, not least with their brutish champions of whom we felled another three at least as we made our way around the fort thining the orcs as we went.

It was a short, sharp, shock mission to remind the gits who's boss and with our skirmishing complete we found ourselves back at the fort's entrance and a quick jog home.

It seems the orcs are on the rise, be on your look out guardsmen.

Once back at the barracks another grand Covian victory was declared!



Raiden, Grenadier Captain.