Title: Some coins for "finding" a weapon Post by: Valiro Gryphonclaw on April 07, 2008, 08:42:45 pm An evenin' in Cove while the majority of the Covian Army was out on Marcus Tel'vars expedition
I saw this lonely recruit, and I thought I follow him... And up the stairs and into the barracks we went, I first hid under a table to watch him. When he turned his back I saw a shining kryss. By knowledge I knew a Kryss ain't that heavy, hardly 2 stones weigh'. I made a distracting move with a cup... He turned around looking to the table and by then I snuck around the tables and sat behind him, an easy catch. I quickly and smooth as a mouse stole the Kryss and sat down on the stool on the otherside of the table I was hiding in. He caught me "sneaking" on him, but that was according my plan. I said that I just was sneaking on him to deliver a kryss he dropped outside the barracks unnoticed. And he fell for it!! After that he paid me some coins for "finding" and returning the kryss to him. (http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/6789/findingny7.jpg) *Signed* Fingo Feld Deugweld Petty Thief Title: Re: Some coins for "finding" a weapon Post by: Leso Varen on April 10, 2008, 10:24:27 pm Infamy awarded: 40