Title: Caravan from Skara Brae to Britain felucca Post by: Justice Forum on April 10, 2008, 08:39:11 pm event - the first bi-weekly trade caravan from skara brae to Britain (http://)Purpose - to protect the caravan from thieves on a well publicised route lead by - Paidric -helper of the young details - As usual I was late! The caravan had moved off prior to my arrival so i looked around and finally found another army lined up, The guardmen militia so I being a cunning little minx slid in at the end of their line. we do look far smarter than them so i was a little surprised that only one person raised their eyebrows at her. We then set off to rescue the caravan as they had fallen into difficulties. The screenshot is a little competition, spot the Covian! Many battles then ensued and I was bewildered at the amazing properties of some of the items people wore and such amazing colours and spells flying around at a stunning rate and of immense power. When there was a lull in the battle, I stepped over bodies to reach my poor unsuspecting new Guardsman militia friends. Their commander then ordered a forced march west which surprised me as to her it was completely the wrong way so as usual i did the opposite and set off east! Turns out east was the correct way and I met up with the caravan and battled to Britain and then even more surprisingly they then decided it would be good to return to Skara Brae. Most were mounted on strange see through beasts and beast of many coloured armours and I was left behind very quickly. many evil looking people came into contact with me but most let me be, maybe because they fear the wrath of Cove. We all mustered on the quayside in Skara Brae and fought off repeated attacks before the leader said we may all leave and thanked us. The Militia however were never seen again! Justice Forum Watchman with aching feet OK SPOT THE COVIAN? the winner gets a week old muffin (http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/2839/caravan2dn7.jpg) If you look carefully at the right of this one you can see me about to sneak in to the end of the militia line! (http://img147.imageshack.us/img147/6733/caravan3hj1.jpg) Title: Re: Caravan from Skara Brae to Britain felucca Post by: Raiden Morana on April 10, 2008, 10:02:40 pm A trip to the badlands eh Watchman!?
Grand! Well done helping out there on behalf of Cove and a fine report too! *signed* Raiden, Grenadier Captain. |