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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Nicholas Bashford on April 22, 2008, 09:09:42 am

Title: Tackling Evening Duties
Post by: Nicholas Bashford on April 22, 2008, 09:09:42 am
Nicholas shuffled some papers together. Carefully dipping his quill in some ink, he began to scribe the administration for last eve's duties.

Evening Duties: Monday 21st April 2008
Supervised by Sir Nicholas Bashford, Retired Officer

Patrolling Covian Graveyard
Ludwik Bloodaxe, Watchman (Leading)
Hoagie, Sergeant
Nicholas Bashford, Retired Officer
Marcus Tel'var, Junior Guardsman
Takeamada, Watchman

Sentry at Covian Gates
Takeamada, Watchman (Leading)
Hoagie, Sergeant
Nicholas Bashford, Retired Officer
Marcus Tel'var, Junior Guardsman
Ludwik Bloodaxe, Watchman

I alerted the guardsmen to the Covian Barracks with a good old fashion ringing of the bell! At which point, I woke the somewhat groggy guardsmen up with a quick dash to the gates, and a little bit of drill.
For the rest of the duties, Watchmen Ludwik Bloodaxe and Takemada were assigned leadership and responsibility, which they performed excellently.

Following a snappy patrol to the Covian Graveyard, and a somewhat interesting Sentry that was attacked by two guardsmen in disguise, we set out for New Haven to spread the word of Cove!
I shall organise a separate, and more large scale Recruitment Party for my transfer into the ranks at a later date.


Sir Nicholas Bashford, Retired Officer
Formerly Palace Guards Regiment, Britannian Army
Strategic Advisor, Baronship Of Cove

Title: Re: Tackling Evening Duties
Post by: Raiden Morana on April 22, 2008, 09:15:35 am
Damn fine work men!

It's good to see Watchmen leading by example, especially my apprentice.

Well done!


Raiden, Grenadier Captain.

Title: Re: Tackling Evening Duties
Post by: Mr Bloodaxe on April 22, 2008, 11:59:58 am
(OOC: I was the second watchman for the sentry, not Tak twice! AMENDED)