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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Marcus / Straeban on April 25, 2008, 02:48:23 am

Title: Bashing the Giant Builders Coveian Style
Post by: Marcus / Straeban on April 25, 2008, 02:48:23 am
Led By:Grenadier Captain: Raiden Morana

Attended By:

Sergeant: Hoagie Greynor
Guardsman Recruit: Jeremy Forsyth
Watchman: Justice Forum
Guardsman Recruit: Marvin
Junior Grenadier: Falconheart
Junior Guardsman: Marcus Tel'var

After recieving the Captains pigeon I gathered at the Barracks where everyone else had gathered in Line. The Captain then told us of a new foundation that was build by some one eyed giants, and it was up to us to make sure they are not able to finish the thing for we knew not what it was going to be use for.


He then told us to arm up and force march to Minoc Traveling gate. We got there soon as we could then lined up like we all ways do. The Captain the told us to go through to Illshenar, Honesty where we were met by some of them multieyed floating things and the bloody nasty inps, the monbats are just a neusence. We then made our way north then east after the pass. We came up on this big hold in the mountain and then were told to line up.


The Captain the asked for a volinteer to go and see what lied inside I was forst to step up but is was the Lass Justice that was ordered to go see. Wasn't long before she returned with two giants on her heals, we then took the out and made em stop bothering her.


We then headed inside to take care of the buisness at hand, to destroy and chance they had to complete the Foundation. Twas a big one indeed, and I could see whay they would not want us here for it was indeed made soundly.


Carnage, Carnage and more Carnage as we cleared out the area. The more they came the faster and harder we fought, making sure none was able to walk or breath again, the Coveian Army will rule the day one way shape or form.


Soon we found another opening that we thought would lead down deeper in their midst and it was true for there was the place thay rested when they got tired and we were there to interupt them as we headed through.


Them big one eyes giants and their giant friends were none happy about our preasence there as they came up to try to shoo us out only to hit the ground face first.


Again the lass Justice was to be the bait hoping to attract the Lord of this place. She headed down into the merky midst and soon came a running with some two headed guards and niot far behind them, The Lord of this place who was so mad and furious that he did not see us and soon fell to his death by the Coveian Army.


We were then ordered to line up as another Giant came up trying to act all huffy and puffy, but ended up being flat. We then lined up as then we were ordered to fight our way back out of this place.


After several minutes of fighting we did make it back out only to face those that had returned from gathering more supplies. Then Coveian work isn't done as we worked our way back to the main entrance, dropping one here and there leaving the Coveian mark as we go. Back out of the main entrance we lined up once again.



And then ordered to force march to the Alter we entered this place through the moongate. Back at the moongate we were then ordered to go back to Minoc where we then headed back to the Barracks. Once there all the coins collected was layed down at the Captains feet and what a pile it was.


The Captain then started handing out the shares to everyone and then dissmissed us all.

Before we had left the Lass Justice Forum had donated her share totaling 5,000 gold peaces, and the Captain had put in a shere of 18,750.

Signed:Junior Guardsman: Marcus Tel'var

[/OOC: Bags of sending rock hard]

Title: Re: Bashing the Giant Builders Coveian Style
Post by: Raiden Morana on April 25, 2008, 07:00:02 am
Excellent report Marcus.

Another fine example of Covian foreign policy!

The baron would be proud.



Raiden, Grenadier Captain.