Title: Recovering Cargo from the 'Amarda' Post by: Eve Thenasa on April 25, 2008, 06:12:59 pm Recovering the Cargo of the ‘Amarda’ * Eve sits down at the desk in the grenadier headquarters and begins writing hastily* Guardsmen in attendance:- ~Takeamada, Watchman ~Marcus Tel'var, Junior (fell ill) ~Thomas Sendrich, Regular ~Hoagie Grayner, Sergeant ~Raiden Morana, Grenadier Captain ~Eve Thenasa, Grenadier Corporal(Leading) Due to the nature of this mission, it was not possible to paint any pictures. We left the barracks at the eighth hour of the twelfth day in the month. We proceeded east on foot towards Vesper to where a Covian boat was docked waiting to take us to the last approximated co-ordinates of the ‘Amarda‘. The trek to the sandy southern shore of Vesper was almost non-eventful, except when Sendrich happened to collide with a tree, apparently not looking where he was going! No Vesperian guards did we encounter and upon reaching the Covian boat that awaited us, we discovered that the Sailor had not run into any problems either... The Fisherman's Dream took us out into the water, and what better way to look inconspicuous than by doing a spot of fishing in Vesperian waters. The stillness and tranquillity of the water soon erupted with water beasts that were ferocious and grim! We were later to reach waters more shallow in depth with rock formations protruding through the shimmering surface, the approximate co-ordinates of the ‘Amarda‘! Sendrich volunteered to enter the cold water to investigate... We waited for what seemed like an eternity, and were in some doubt as to our Regular's safety. Many were relieved to see him some way off, waving at us to let us know he was alright! Upon returning to the boat, he informed us that he had not seen any signs of wreckage below, that the water was murky and that he was barely able to see... The sailor advised us to move along with the current of the water before trying again. This we did, I entered the water this time. The water was fairly shallow and freezing, but I could see parts of the wreckage, and I swam down deeper to examine it. I was able to identify some of the parts of the wreckage and locate the ship’s cabin, coming up for air periodically. After locating the chest, I knew it was time to send down Sendrich, Morana and Grayner to retrieve it... Between us the chest was hauled onto boat. Once the Fisherman’s Dream brought us safely to the shore, we headed home! A success for Cove! It would seem that in that chest a map of some description was found! More treasure perhaps? *signed* Eve, Grenadier Corporal Title: Re: Recovering Cargo from the 'Amarda' Post by: Kelly Sanderson on April 26, 2008, 05:32:30 pm Apologies for my unattending.
*Signed* Kelly Sanderson, Sergeant |