Title: Litter in Cove Post by: Takeamada on April 28, 2008, 11:55:11 pm When: 04/28/08, 20:10 GMT
Location: Coven Army Barracks. Commanding Officer: Kelly Sanderson, Sergeant Guardsman in attendance: - Takeamada, Watchman Report: After our dismissal from training I was standing on the parade field as Sergeant Hoagie was speaking will and fellow name James. Sergeant Sanderson came up to me and informed me that there was litter in front of the barracks and it should be cleaned up. She also informed me that she expected a report afterwards. So I excused myself and went down stairs to find the offensive litter and deal with it. Cove must be kept clean. It is the duty of all Guards and civilians to do their part to ensure that this is done. I found the litter and cleaned up the area to Coven Army Standards. (http://img255.imageshack.us/img255/781/trashqv4.jpg) (http://imageshack.us) * signed * Takeamada Watchman Coven Army Title: Re: Litter in Cove Post by: Kelly Sanderson on April 29, 2008, 04:46:17 pm Thank you, Watchman.
Your report and an extra promotional requirement shall be fulfilled from your duty. *Signed* Kelly Sanderson, Sergeant |