Title: (Completed, Saturday 03 May, 8pm GMT) To Search for...Khaelieth Sereghyanda Post by: Axiana on April 30, 2008, 08:53:20 pm Event:- To Search for...Khaelieth Llelmandred Sereghyanda
When:- Saturday 03 May, 8pm GMT Meet:- Outside the Town Hall (Next to the Barracks) I appeal to you! the Guardsmen and Civilians of Cove to assist me in my search for Citizen Khaelieth Llelmandred Sereghyanda. He has been gone from Cove for far too long, leaving no explanation as to why he left! Even if he does not wish to be found, I feel that, as his friend, I should at least try to find him! Title: Re: (Saturday 03 May, 8pm GMT) To Search for...Khaelieth Llelmandred Sereghyanda Post by: Axiana on May 02, 2008, 09:31:18 pm *BUMP*
Title: Re: (Saturday 03 May, 8pm GMT) To Search for...Khaelieth Llelmandred Sereghyanda Post by: Axiana on May 03, 2008, 01:08:47 pm *Bump*
Title: Re: (Saturday 03 May, 8pm GMT) To Search for...Khaelieth Llelmandred Sereghyanda Post by: Delfer on May 03, 2008, 02:59:48 pm I will certainly be there to search for your friend whatever the risks!