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Element boards => Citizen Board => Topic started by: Takeamada on May 03, 2008, 04:15:53 pm

Title: Attacks on Coven Citizens
Post by: Takeamada on May 03, 2008, 04:15:53 pm
When:  05/03/08, 16:45 GMT

Location:  The road between Altmere Outpost & Northern Garrison, Cove.

Commanding Officer:  Edward Striker, Commoner

Guardsman in attendance:  None


While heading back to the northern garrison with supplies from Cove, I was attacked by multiple Ogres and Ettins.  They are getting braver and braver, walking the north road as if they own it.  Citizens, travelers, and caravans are no longer safe to travel this route unarmed or unescorted.  Something needs to be done about this so we, the proud citizens of Cove may walk around our own homes in safety.

(http://img385.imageshack.us/img385/6672/ogreattackspu8.jpg) (http://imageshack.us)

I have spoke with Watchman Takeamada, he I believe, is planning a raid (Hunt) of the caves in which the Ettin and Ogres live.  I hope this is soon; we need protection from these vial things.

* signed *

Edward Striker

Title: Re: Attacks on Coven Citizens
Post by: Axiana on May 04, 2008, 11:06:06 am
Yes I have but observed the same as you Commoner!  A brave man you be in the face of such...large beasts!

Edward Striker awarded - 40 Shillings