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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Raiden Morana on May 08, 2008, 07:01:36 pm

Title: Covian Aid Caravan To Trinsic
Post by: Raiden Morana on May 08, 2008, 07:01:36 pm
Led by:

Raiden, Grenadier Captain.

Attended by:

Hoagie, Sergeant.
Marcus Tel'var, Junior Guardsman.
Justice Forum, Watchman.
Takeamada, Watchman.
Alex Vericious, Guardsman Recruit.
Crest Turelli, Guardsman Recruit.
Noxarion, Guardsman Recruit.

Dawn, Duchy Captain.
Goober, Duchy Squire.
Alusair, Duchy Guardswoman

The guardsmen that returned from the cleansing of Humility in Ilshenar replenished their supplies and replaced their armour then lined up in front of the barracks along with a detatchment of Duchy forces. They were to transport a consignment of "Covian Spa", fresh Covian spring water by caravan to aid the Duchy during it's drinking water crisis.

However it transpired that the Covian peasants who had been bottling the spring water had been slaughtered by orcs and the kegs and bottle filled crates of "Covian Spa" had been looted and taken to the orc fort.


Nothing is ever straight forward observed one of the Duchy guardsmen and so the allied forces of Cove and Trinsic headed to the orc fort. They battled their way inside the fort searching from room to room for the precious stolen spring water. At last the cargo was located at the orc docks and carrying it as best they could the brave group battled their way back out of the fort leaving a swathe of dead and dying greenskins behind them as they made for Cove town.

With the guardsmen regrouped and a pack mule purchased the party at last headed through the shire enroute to the Minoc portal from where they would reach Trinsic. The caravan and escort kept their wits about them at all times, but apart from a few roaming ogres and undead there was no threat and the goods were delivered safely to the Duchy authorities.


Duke Irvyn had kindly arranged for refreshments to be served by the staff of the Trinsic Rose tavern to the road weary Covian and Duchy guardsmen upon their arrival. Meanwhile Grenadier Captain Raiden Morana and Isidore, the Duke's son, oversaw the handing over and safe storage of the "Covian Spa" spring water, before heading to the bar for refreshments.

Thus concluding another favourable endeavour between the city states of Cove and Trinsic, a most unlikely yet formidable alliance.