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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Justice Forum on May 11, 2008, 09:39:53 pm

Title: tackling the invasion and more!
Post by: Justice Forum on May 11, 2008, 09:39:53 pm
event :- fighting the invasion
attending  -  watchman takemada
recruit - noxarian
leading -  by default watchman justice forum

i am sure that it will be reported elsewhere but  earlier we had a somewhat unsuccessful raid in cove on the invaders.
anyway we were feeling a little low and sargeant sanderson had forbidden us to return to cove so we 3 mustered in the inn and discussed the evenings events.
sarge sanderson had told us we must not face the invaders unless under the command of a covian officer. we sat and discussed events. nox was feeling bad hearing the screams from the town.
we nay wanted to upset the sarge but decided that to be outside would not be in contravention of the order so we went to the watch tower and quickly ascertained that the invasion had been beaten back. with no enemy in the town i took the decison that to enter the town would be ok as the invaders were not there. so we proudly entered the town in line and ensured all was clear. takemada however noticed that we were being followed by a brigand. we eventually decided to confront this brigand. As he had no feasible reason to be following us i offered him the opportunity to leave cove under his own steam. after he made various comments towards me i told nox to take his arm and lead him out. nox did this perfectly but the critter kept acting suspiciously and as we reached the gates he made  a break for it. takemada took him down in the fields so we then forcibly removed him to the town gates and kicked him out!
well done to noxarian and takemada
and its a reminder that these may be hard times in cove but we must watch for our traditional foes

Title: Re: tackling the invasion and more!
Post by: Raiden Morana on May 17, 2008, 12:56:10 pm
Well documented Watchman.


Raiden, Grenadier Captain.