Title: “A SOLDIER’S HANDGUIDE TO AVATAR” Post by: Marcus Kobra on May 21, 2008, 08:44:53 am "A SOLDIER'S HANDGUIDE TO AVATAR" “From whence He came no one knows, But His strength and courage where without peer.” – Excerpt from Malleus Maleficarum Hail faithful soldiers of the realm! Men of Courage and Strength! Those brave souls who often find themselves faced with moral dilemmas, and faith testing trials. This is a guide designed to help you do your duty while adhering to Avatars most Holy Will. In this guide we shall detail the basic tenants of the Faithful Soldier. We will also detail some basic rules of survival as one of Avatar’s Faithful in such a darkened world as is that we call home. Faithful Soldier, Definition – n., A Soldier who trusts in Avatar and does what is right when it is right, even should that event lead to his death. His every action is tempered by the Will of Avatar. Faithful Soldiers should not be mistaken for Templi, they are not servants of The Church but rather the common soldiers of various armies. Adj., Describes anyone who fights while strictly adhering to Avatars Will. The Tenants 1. Defend the Will of Avatar 2. Obey the laws of The Church 3. Protect the innocent 4. Hold to your oaths 5. Uphold the Tenants, even unto your death. The first Tenant is rather easy, it is what we ALL must do or else our faith is false. The second Tenant is the word of The Church, the Voice of Avatar. The third Tenant, Avatar gave you strength to protect the innocent. The fourth Tenant, Many oaths have you made to Lord and Land in the name of Avatar. Diminish not His name. The fifth Tenant, Avatar may call upon your very life, if you are not ready to give that to him, then you are false and not worthy to bear your arms. Basic Rules 1. Suffer not the heretic to go unpunished, seek out your clergy for council. 2. Burn the monster, so that its ash might make the realm green. 3. Ware the Yewman, for in your back will he plant his blade. 4. Trust not the Vesperi, His words are sirens songs of deceit. 5. Bargain not with Britannians, Covetous are they and cheating. 6. Beware the unconsecrated Wytch, his spells pervert Avatarians. 7. Believe not the twofaced Trinsician, though he shows you light, behind him he hides his shadows. 8. Fear not the Necromancer, for your soul is Avatar’s. 9. Always carry a full kit; you never know when adventure shall call! 10. Always keep a spare kit, disaster may strike at anytime. With the Tenants and some rules set we will give some situational examples and how you, the Faithful Soldier, should react. Ex.1: A woman claims that Avatar is false within your presence. You are posed with three options. A. Tell her to be damned and kill her on the spot. B. Report her to the church. C. Ignore the situation because people should be free to disbelieve. You should follow action “B”. To kill her outright could cause confusion leading to hostilities with local lawmen. To ignore the infraction would be to lack true faith and invite the wrath of Avatar! Ex.2: You find a wounded orc child on the side of the road, it is obvious it can pose no danger now and it does seem so pathetic all alone with no one to care for it. What should you do? A. Take it into your care and raise it as your own. B. Leave it alone to die or find its own way in the road. C. Kill it now and burn it then search out the other orcs who must be nearby waiting to ambush anyone who would stop to help the thing. You should take action “C”. To leave it would be akin to murder for it shall grown and kill faithful Avatarians! To take such a beast into your care is sickening and if you even considered it you should submit yourself to the church for torture! Ex.3: You find a small group of people badly out numbered ten to one by mighty bone dragons. What should you do? A. Run to their aid though the odds are futile. B. Run for help knowing the task of defending them is impossible alone. C. Walk away knowing it is pointless and Avatar would never want you to die for so futile a cause. Action “A” is your course. To go looking for help would mean that any help at all would come too late. To walk away… you Coward! Drop you arms and cease calling yourself a soldier you unworthy dog! It is my sincere hope that you have garnered wisdom and guidance from this text, and that you shall live more truly in tune with Avatar’s will. Walk in the light my fellow soldiers and slay the enemies of The Faith! Written by: Marcus Illinius Kobra, Watchman, Army of Cove Published by: The Baron’s Library. Special thanks: To Avatar for my life and salvation. {[OOC: Edited the name of Malleus Maleficarum from Malficious Maleficarum, I do hope I got that right... The durned book in cove chapel.]} |