Title: Mat ShadowHand: Shillings to be rewarded. Post by: Kelly Sanderson on May 22, 2008, 09:49:20 pm Mat ShadowHand has excelled in his work this day.
Could someone with the ability please reward Mr ShadowHand some shillings? He deserves his pay for all the uniforms he has made from scratch. *Signed* Kelly Sanderson, Sergeant. Title: Re: Mat ShadowHand: Shillings to be rewarded. Post by: Raiden Morana on May 22, 2008, 10:21:26 pm After consulting with Sergeant Sanderson it has been deemed fitting that Mat "Chopper" ShadowHand be awarded 150 shillings for his many services to the Covian Church and the Baronship stores this day.
150 shillings awarded - Mat ShadowHand. |