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Element boards => Completed Citizen Tasks => Topic started by: Axiana on June 13, 2008, 09:10:24 pm

Title: A Spanner in the Works - For the Attention of the Caretaker.
Post by: Axiana on June 13, 2008, 09:10:24 pm
A Spanner in the Works

Somebody has recently vandalised the beer taps in the Goblin Inn and they are NOT working!  Who would do such a thing?  We are loosing our Patrons!

Your Task and the Conditions

    * You are required to fix or replace all of the damaged beer taps, restoring them to good
       working order.

    * Write up a report of your work and post it in reply to this post, below.

    * This task may only be completed once.


You shall be rewarded with shillings according to the quality and imagination of your report.

Title: Re: A Spanner in the Works - For the Attention of the Caretaker.
Post by: Takeamada on June 15, 2008, 02:36:52 pm
(http://img362.imageshack.us/img362/1463/taptaskvn8.jpg) (http://imageshack.us)

* Signed with a skilled hand *

Edward Striker
Caretaker of Cove

Title: Re: A Spanner in the Works - For the Attention of the Caretaker.
Post by: Axiana on June 17, 2008, 11:31:10 am
Edward Striker awarded 70 Shillings