Title: Mat Shadowhand, Commoner (825) Post by: Chopper on June 14, 2008, 02:38:31 pm Name: Mathew Shadowhand
Occupation: Lumber-jack, Smith, Tailor, Tinkerer, Carpenter, Minor Current Standings: Commoner Current Shilling Count: 825/500 Shillings Awarded for: Citizen Task Board Tasks: 3/3 (65 Shillings) An Officers Office. (50 Shillings) Storage Units. (30 Shillings) Meeting Room. (35 Shillings) A letter for Mat Shadowhand (http://cove.sugeworld.com/forum/index.php/topic,13967.0.html) Cultural Events Attended: 0/1 (40 Shillings) At New Haven Market Adding to the Covian Culture: 1/1 (100 Shillings) The Covian Hospital Other / Miscellaneous Tasks: 3 (150 shillings) Awarded to Mat for his Services for Sister Edith (60 Shillings) Supplying the Army with new Boots (75 Shillings) Grenadier Trial( Takeamada ) (50 Shillings) Preparations for the Dining Hall (150 Shillings) Attention Citizens & Guardsmen (20 Shillings) Forced Senry at the Barracks Trial: |