Title: The Search for Citizen Khaelieth Llelmandred Sereghyanda (Part 1) Post by: Axiana on June 24, 2008, 08:00:49 pm The Search for Citizen Khaelieth Llelmandred Sereghyanda (Part 1) For the benefit of administration, I have chosen to list those that came to my aid on this occasion... Mr Delferium (Watchman) Ms Forum (Watchman) Mr Delcarakdur (Senior) - joined later Mr Grayner (Sergeant) Mr Morana (Grenadier Captain) I headed off to the Swaggers Inn, under the protection of the Covian guardsmen. Why the Swaggers Inn? The Swaggers Inn was often frequented by Khaelieth, and although I knew he had not been there for some time, I was certain that I would find someone there who might be able to put me on his trail. I am no detective, that is for sure, but I have been blessed with a little practicality! At the Swaggers, a punter going by the name of Pelfandris, informed us that the noble Khaelieth was in excellent health and currently residing in Vesper? Well... it had not occurred to us at that time, that there could be two Khaelieths! And when we learnt more about this knight and noble of Vesper, we realised that this was not our Khaelieth. I then felt it necessary, to describe in depth, the character of and clothing worn by our Khaelieth. Pelfandris realised then, of whom we were speaking about, and went on to tell us that he had overheard him telling another that he had some business with a Yewian Rebel known as Hedlyn. Another man wearing Vesperian uniform had joined Pelfandris by this time, and he spoke up to say that he knew of this man and of his whereabouts in Yew. Mr Aldrador of the vesperian guard joined our party, and we ventured to Yew in search of Hedlyn. It was in Yew that we became decidedly lost, not of my doing, I assure you! And in doing so we chanced upon a shy sweet-toothed elf, whom the guardsmen decided to question. We discovered that he knew his kinsman, Khaelieth. A lot of questions and sweets later, the elf told us that Khaelieth had not even come to Yew recently. (http://homepages.tesco.net/sharon.w/khae1.jpg) By this time I began to wonder what our chances of ever finding Khaelieth would be, and we reluctantly returned to the Swaggers Inn. But all was not lost, another barmaid had taken the place of the last, and after speaking with her we soon learnt that Khaelieth had left Cove in search of the rift... Title: Re: The Search for Citizen Khaelieth Llelmandred Sereghyanda (Part 1) Post by: Raiden Morana on June 25, 2008, 10:27:10 am 75 Shillings Awarded - Axiana Masteen.
Fine report! *signed* Raiden, Grenadier Captain. |