Title: Joint Battle Training [Report] Post by: Hoagie on July 01, 2008, 04:04:44 pm Leading:
Hoagie, Sergeant Attending: Graem Carcer, Drill Corporal Marcus Kobra, Watchman Kelly Sanderson, Sergeant Go-Hei, Guardsman Recruit Ludwik Bloodaxe, Watchman Delferium, Watchman Elliot Heath, Vesperian Nino Skye, Vesperian Escaflowne, Bear Loki, Vesperian Helena, Vesperian Ffodos, Vesperian Stage One - Paired Combat The first stage of the training was a paired combat game. I had put five items of purple clothing around Jhelomn, and the aim of the game was to split into pairs and try to find them. Teams were to attack each other to recover pieces of clothing, and the team at the end with the most items of clothing would win the game. In the end, Team Graem, who's partner had fallen asleep, had two pieces, as did Team Elliot. As Carcer was alone, he was arguably more deserving of first place, but none the less, the first place was a tie between Team Carcer and Team Elliot. (http://img111.imageshack.us/img111/961/trainingjy6.png) Stage Two - Team Combat The second game was a team combat exercise. Team Captains picked teams, and the teams were lead to the bridge above the training pits. The teams bases were on either side of the bridge, and the teams would take turns attacking and defending. Team Geoff attacked first, overcoming Team Kelly, despite good use of mortal wounds and healing. One point to Team Geoff. While approaching Team Geoff to see if they were prepared for the next round, they stupidly attacked and knocked ME! This idiocy was punished by awarding a point to Team Kelly. Next, it was Team Kelly's turn to attack. They lost a man early, but remained strong, and managed to overcome Team Elliot, and bring themselves the overall victory. (http://img127.imageshack.us/img127/4963/training1fr4.png) Stage Three - Single Combat To finish off the training, we went downstairs for a free for all. Ludwik came out on top, showing the Vesperians that Cove have the edge! Heath had earlier challenged him to a duel, and so they fought while the rest watched. Heath won through a particularly nasty magic trick, and Escaflowne opened a gate for the Covians to return home. (http://img114.imageshack.us/img114/6193/training2px9.png) *Signed* Hoagie Grayner, Sergeant |