Title: Cove Bank Sentry (Report) Post by: Kelly Sanderson on July 01, 2008, 06:52:28 pm Leading Guardsman: Kelly Sanderson, Sergeant Attending Guardsmen: Hoagie Grayner, Sergeant Graem Carcer, Corporal Kal Shadowhand, Regular Scout Dalamar Carnesir, Regular Scout Cassius Livius, Junior Guardsman Go-Hei, Guardsman Recruit (http://img129.imageshack.us/img129/8017/covebanksentryqe2.jpg) The task was to go and man a sentry around Cove Bank, due to a robbery that took place during the Vesper and Cove battle training session when we weren't there. Therefore, the sentry was held at around nine o'clock, like the time that the robbery took place. We needed to see if the culprits would make another visit. Firstly, we all welcomed back a re-enlisting guardsman to the ranks: Cassius Livius. He joined us for this sentry as his first duty. We all made our way to the Bank and began constructing our sentry. Carcer, Carnesir and Shadowhand were on hide duty whilst myself, Livius and Go-Hei were on construction duty. Hoagie had gone to relieve his bladder, and along with himself he took all our crates. Therefore, we had to await his return. The sentry was fine! Until Carcer made himself an "archer's box" which made it look horrific. Himself and Hoagie persisted to fighting with each other inside this box.. Unless the loud noises were something that shouldn't be mentioned. Hoagie was promptly given permission to set the said "archer's box" alight, as it was becoming quite the nuisance. No need to say that the most troublesome folk around the bank were that of the Corporal and Sergeant. But I suppose they have to have some fun somehow. Just preferably not at my sentries! Well done, men! Cove is safe once more! *Signed* Kelly Sanderson, Sergeant |