Title: [Civilian Task] Hunt & Gather - Friday, 4th July, 8:00pm Post by: Mr Bloodaxe on July 03, 2008, 03:05:03 pm When:
Where: Meet outside the Market Bring: Guardsmen - Your full battle equipment, Civilians - axes for chopping wood, shovels and pickaxes for mining. All will require light sources! Guardsmen, Civilians, on Thursday we are going to a location to gather lumber and ore. As many people are required to keep us safe and gather as many resources as possible! I hope to see you there! I shall be bringing pack Llama's/horses to keep our resources and we shall be constructing a camp to keep everything secure in while on this expedition! Fredrik Bloodaxe, Commoner [OOC] Title: Re: [Civilian Task] Hunt & Gather - Friday, 4th July, 8:00pm Post by: Mr Bloodaxe on July 04, 2008, 07:52:48 am *Bump*