Title: Recruit Cadre led by Dalamar Post by: Dalamar on July 07, 2008, 09:23:18 pm I led recruit cadre at 7th of this month. I went trough basic orders in parade and battle. Recruits seemed to learn them well. Those who attended this sign under this
*Signed with red ink* Dalamar, Regular Scout Title: Re: Recruit Cadre led by Dalamar Post by: Kelly Sanderson on July 07, 2008, 09:32:41 pm Both myself and Hoagie can confirm that this did take place, due to the lack of sketches.
Well done, Dalamar. It was very thorough. Recruits who need to sign are: Ada Bustenhalter Eva Bustenhalter Baolin *Signed* Kelly Sanderson, Sergeant |