Title: Raiding the Orc Fort! {Thursday 10 july 2000 GMT} Post by: Marcus Kobra on July 09, 2008, 12:26:31 pm We will be raiding those vile orcs for ever thing they are worth, admitedly thats not much, but we will give them a good thrashing!
Line up at the barrack beggining 15 minutes prior! Bring your full combat kit, bandages, and yer prayers! This will be my first real test as a leader in combat. All personnel are advised to fill out Last wills and Testaments at the council hall. V/r, Marcus Illinius Kobra, Watchman, Army of Cove The Sentry is cancled chapps! We have a caravan to raid! Title: Re: Raiding the Orc Fort! {Thursday 10 july 2000 GMT} Post by: Raiden Morana on July 10, 2008, 06:42:09 am *BUMP*