Title: Caravan Interception [Report] Post by: Hoagie on July 11, 2008, 11:18:00 am Leading:
Hoagie, Sergeant Attending: Go-Hei, Guardsman Recruit Dalamar, Regular Scout Raiden Morana, Grenadier Captain Delferiun, Watchman Mela Arkay, Senior Scout Cazzius Livius, Junior Guardsman Having received word that the British Guards were transporting goods to Minoc, I decided that it was important that we did our duty as good Covians, and intercepted them. Having rallied the men, I gathered a supply of crates, and we made our way to Altmere to barricade the road. Expecting the Caravan to consist of packhorses, we stood before the barricade, and readied ourselves to intercept the goods. Regular Scout Dalamar brought back a report that they were rapidly approaching down the road, so we prepared, but no attack came. They had brought no horses, and had snuck around to charge us from behind! We fought hard, but they managed to subdue us for long enough to hurry down the road to Minoc. We could do little but tend to our wounds, and prepare to give chase. We followed them to Minoc, and found them relaxing by a statue. Naturally at the sight of us, they scarpered and holed up inside a building. Forming up, we discussed strategy, while the scouts checked what defences they had. Luckily for us, they had nothing inside the building they had gone into to stand behind! Commanding the scouts to open the doors, we prepared our charge, and rushed in. The fight quickly spilled onto the street, but with much better coordination than at Altmere, and slightly superior numbers, we overwhelmed them, and taught them what happens when they try and get one over on Cove! (http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/1093/battle2rn5.png) *Signed* Hoagie Grayner, Sergeant Title: Re: Caravan Interception [Report] Post by: Raiden Morana on July 11, 2008, 02:09:11 pm Well done men and well led Sergeant Hoagie.
The first skirmish was a close run thing, but the second contact was far better co-ordinated, with orders carried out to the letter meaning we beat down the Royalist scum without a single casualty... Huzzah! FOR COVE!!! *signed* Raiden, Grenadier Captain. |