Title: [COMPLETED] Grenadier Trials - Trophy Hunt Post by: Graem Carcer on July 14, 2008, 08:43:13 am When: Monday 14th July 2008, 7:30pm GMT
What: Grenadier Trials - Trophy Hunt Where: Rally at the Barracks Lads, tonight we're going to Centaur Lair in Ilshenar to slay some Serpentine Dragons and retrieve a nice and heavy talon worthy of putting on a plaque and hanging up on the walls of the Baron's office, in order to complete one of my Grenadier Trials. At a minimum we will need 4 men, though as many as possible will be necessary to carry home the required 25,000 gold booty. I'd appreciate it if someone could get sketches for me, and I will write the report and include them. Get your armour and weapons repaired - Stock up on bandages! (http://xs321.xs.to/xs321/07483/tok22.jpg) *Signed* - Corporal Carcer PS. If enough turn up, and we're not weary enough afterwards, we may go on to complete a second task; lengthy battle and drill training which should help us all after our harrowing defeat at Altmere last night. At least three men would need to attend. |