Title: [Watchman Trials] Surviving Strategies - Friday 18th July - 10:00pm Post by: Mr Bloodaxe on July 16, 2008, 12:34:32 pm When: Friday 18th July - 10:00pm
Where: Meet At The Barracks Bring: All your standard equipment, Make sure you are fully stocked! As part of my Watchman trials I am required to have a training session explaining the different things that need to be done in different situatons. We will be venturing out into the wild so be prepared! Required: At Least 4 other Guardsmen! *Signed* Ludwik Bloodaxe, Watchman Title: Re: [Watchman Trials] Surviving Strategies - Friday 18th July - 10:00pm Post by: Raiden Morana on July 18, 2008, 06:48:43 am *Pins to the top of the board*
Help Watchman Bloodaxe with his trials and learn something in the process! *signed* Raiden, Grenadier Captain. Title: Re: [Watchman Trials] Surviving Strategies - Friday 18th July - 10:00pm Post by: Axiana on July 18, 2008, 10:05:57 am *Bump*