Title: Dock Duity Post by: Jessica Goldeye on July 18, 2008, 01:32:02 am Lead By: Fla Goldhammer
Attendents Recruit Baolin, Wachman Go-Hei After Hearing about the Issues in cove. I gathered some of our boys and went to make sure noone left the Town by ship. (http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/1871/owchqp5.png) (http://imageshack.us) Unfortunatly i took a fall during meh Duity. i have woken up in a fekin bed an a healer wont let me back up! He keeps Mumblin about somethin going around... he acts as if he never seen blood...Ill be back! I got work to do! *Signed* Fla Goldhammer |